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Zitat:Salman Rushdie: What would you do if you saw him?

What would you do if you saw Salman Rusdie unprotected walking down the street?
Kill him, and run to Iran for your BIG reward. [ 17 ] [14.78%]
Kill him, but NOT claiming the reward after. [ 25 ] [21.74%]
harm him without killing him [ 13 ] [11.30%]
Have a polite discussion with him saying his work is wrong. [ 23 ] [20.00%]
Praise him for his "work". [ 7 ] [6.09%]
Do nothing. [ 30 ] [26.09%]
Total Votes: 115
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Zitat:Iran VP Stresses Boosting Iran's Ties With Turkey

Visiting Turkish Minister of Public Works and Housing Zeki Ergezen met yesterday with Iranian First-Vice President Mohammad Reza Aref. Aref in the meeting underlined the need for bolstering Tehran-Ankara bonds in several fields including politics, economy and development.

He also alluded to the special status of Turkey in Iran's foreign policies. Turning to the investment of Turkish companies in diverse Iranian sectors such as commerce, industry and development, Aref asked for providing facilities for presence of Iranian enterprises in Turkish market.

Pointing to huge cooperative potential between the two countries, he said that Iran-Europe gas transfer through Turkey meets the common interests of both sides. Aref underlined the necessity of practical measures in order to implement those projects. Zeki Ergezen singled out Iran-Turkey historical and cultural commonalties and asked for promoting bilateral ties particularly in commerce and development.
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Zitat:Iran-Turkey Trade Exchanges To Double

TEHRAN (IRNA) -- Iran-Turkey trade exchanges will double by the end of 2004, said visiting Turkish Minister of Public Works and Housing Zeki Ergezen here Sunday.

Speaking to IRNA, Ergezen who arrived here on Friday said that the volume of Tehran-Ankara trade exchanges will reach to $5 billion by the end of 1994.

The Iran-Turkey trade balance is in favor of Iran due to the purchase of Iranian natural gas by Ankara, said the Turkish minister.

In the past several years, he further noted, Ankara's imports from Iran doubled while its exports to the country only showed a 60 percent increase.
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Zitat:Iran tourism project to rival Dubai

TEHRAN, Iran (Reuters) -- Iran's top foreign investment decision-making body has given the green light to a 1.7 billion euro ($2.0 billion) luxury tourism project on the Gulf island of Kish designed to rival nearby tourism hotspot Dubai.

Islamic rules on women's dress and mingling of the sexes are less strictly enforced on Kish although women are still required to wear headscarves and cover their bodies when swimming, and alcohol consumption is banned.

The "Flower of the East" project -- the largest in the tourism sector since Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution - reflects increasing efforts by the OPEC power to attract foreign money and diversify its economy away from staple oil.

Iran's economy recorded strong growth of 6.7 percent in the fiscal year to March 2004, down slightly from 7.4 percent last year. But economists fear the strong growth is largely due to high oil prices and could falter when prices fall.

"The Foreign Investment Committee studied and ratified the proposal of a German company for the construction of a tourism, recreational and residential complex in Kish Island," the Economic Hayat-e No daily reported on Thursday.
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Zitat:Hundreds of Iranians hold a march against child labor in Tehran

Tehran, June 13, IRNA -- Hundreds of people gathered in the Laleh Park downtown Tehran to demonstrate against the exploitation of minors on the World Day against Child Labor.

Member of the directorial board of the association for supporting working children Qasem Hosseini told IRNA that this was the first such event against the child labor in Iran.

Hosseini said the figures and statistics on the children at work are so high that the government can no longer ignore this great challenge.

The ralliers, most of them women and children, issued a resolution in condemnation of the child labor and the situation giving rise to the child labor.

The resolution called for providing employment assurance for the families of the working children.
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Zitat:Iran wins Shanghai film festival

Shanghai, June 14 - Iranian film "Tradition of Lover Killing" has taken out the top award at the seventh Shanghai international film festival, with Meryl Streep handing the winning gong to director Khosro Masum.

The 90-minute movie chronicles the impoverished life of a family of Iranians forced into the illicit logging trade and who end up in jail.

Sixteen films, nine from Europe and seven from Asia, were in competition at the nine-day festival, founded in 1993.
Zitat:11:39:07 Þ.Ù
Tehran, June 15 - The Iranian parliament will not ratify the NPT additional protocol, unless it realizes that it is to the benefit of the Iranian nation, Iranian Parliament speaker, Gholam-Ali Haddad Adel, told a parliament session Tuesday, adding 'the government will follow the parliament's decision.

Referring to a request inserted by Germany, Britain and France in their proposed draft resolution to the NPT Board of Governors on approval of additional protocol in Iran's parliament, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel advised the three countries' officials not to impose their views on Iran.
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Zitat:Indonesia In Talks With Iran, Malaysia To Build Refinery

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--Indonesia's state-owned oil company Pertamina (PTM.YY) is in preliminary talks with the national oil companies of Malaysia and Iran to build a 200,000-barrel-a-day refinery in northern East Java, Harry Poernomo, the company's corporate senior vice president, said Monday.

"We just talked to Petronas (PET.YY) (Malaysia's national oil and gas company) this morning about the Tuban refinery project," he said, stressing that the project, estimated to cost $1 billion, was still at an early stage.

Discussions with the Iranians began three months ago, Harry said. The National Iranian Oil Co. (NIO.YY) is the Middle Eastern country's national oil company.

Pertamina, which is coordinating the project, plans to take only a minority equity stake in the refinery. If Malaysia and Iran come on board, there won't be any need to approach other parties for the construction of the refinery, he said.

bezüglich UAE und "Fischerversenken"...

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Zitat:Iran sends clear signal to arabs of Persian Gulf, specially to UAE

Iran seizes another fishing boat from UAE amid escalating Persian Gulf dispute

Iran's navy has seized another fishing boat and its crew from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) amid an escalating spate of similar incidents in Gulf waters, the Arabic-language channel of Iranian state television reported Tuesday.

Quoting Revolutionary Guards navy commander Mohammad Rahim Dehghan, Al-Alam television said the boat and its five crew members were captured near Siri, an Iranian island between Iran and the UAE.

The channel showed television images of the seized boat. On Sunday, the channel said six fishing boats from the UAE and their 23 crew were seized while they were fishing near the Iranian island of Qeshm, situated just a few kilometers (miles) off the Iranian mainland and near the Strait of Hormuz.
So langsam tun mir die ganzen armen Fischer leid. Denen ist das glaube ich egal, welche Nationalität die gefangenen Fische haben.
Naja...aber versenkst Du mein Bötchen versenke ich Deins :rofl:
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Zitat:Iran Ready To Join WTO
Jun 13, 2004, 09:12

Iran is fully prepared both economically and scientifically to join the World Trade Organization, said Director of the Education and Information Department at Iran's Representative Trade Office Mussa Musavi Zenuz here on Saturday.
Hehe koennen die vergessen :baeh:
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[Bild: iranian_zamzam_cola.jpg]

Zitat:Iranian Zamzam Cola hits Saudi market to rival US giants

Iranian soft drink Zamzam Cola, considered a viable Islamic substitute for US global rivals Pepsi and Coca Cola, has started selling in the Saudi markets, the product agent said Tuesday.

"We started marketing the soft drink in the eastern province last week. We plan to extend distribution to other areas within a month's time," Hussein Baqshi, general manager of Al-Majarah Soft Drinks Co., told AFP.

Al-Majarah fought off stiff competition from several Saudi companies to win exclusive rights to distribute Zamzam Cola, named after Mecca's Zamzam holy spring water.
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Zitat:Bahrain: replacing American Coca Cola from Iranian Zamzam Cola

The people of Bahrain have replaced the American soft drink Coca Cola by an Iranian product with the name "Zamzam Cola" with the escalation of hostility feelings towards the US for its policy in the Middle East and with the launching of a people's committee for boycotting the American goods.

In a report, AFP said that boycotting the American drinks Coca Cola, Pepsi Cola resulted in importing substitute soft drink from an Iranian company and the turnout was good.
hmmm...das schmeckt ! Wink Und wer kann bei heiliger Cola schon nein sagen :rofl:
Zitat:Shahab3 postete
hmmm...das schmeckt ! Wink Und wer kann bei heiliger Cola schon nein sagen :rofl:
Jeder Kafir :evil:
Also ich zum Beispiel
Und zu iranischen Pistazien wuerde ich auch nein sagen *gg* Big Grin Big Grin

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Zitat:iran, eu: World-famous pistachio under cloud of EU ban over cancer fears

European fans of the Iranian pistachio will be able to continue savoring their nibbles for several more months, during which the Islamic republic must ease EU fears over health risks.
Iran’s pistachio industry had been in turmoil, with its product close to being banned in the European Union.
The head of Teheran’s Chamber of Commerce, Mohammad Reza Behzadian, said that in April Brussels gave Iran 40 days to cut aflatoxin levels in the greenish-red split shell nuts.
Aflatoxin is a substance found in mold and has been linked to cancer in the liver and kidneys. Along with nuclear proliferation, human rights abuses and terrorism, the topic has ranked among the top issues being discussed with the European bloc.
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Zitat:Jeder Kafir Also ich zum Beispiel
Ich bin ja auch einer, aber ich sage ja zu ZamZam-Cola Big Grin
Shahab erzähl kein Müll!
Du bist kein Kafir!

Danke für die Blumen ! Big Grin
Ist ein Schlechtes Bild vom Islam was sich breit macht nur weil paar hirniss die meinung breittreten das ein Christ oder Jude Kafir sei !

Auch ein Moslem kann kafir sein!
Ist aber off topic
Lool ! Der Iran sammelt Fischerboote der VAE. Habe gelesen, daß es jetzt inzwischen 7 Stück mit 23 Mann Besatzung sein sollen ...
Kann es sein, daß der Iran für jedes Produkt, daß im Reich des "großen Satan" USA entwickelt wurde, ein Ersatzprodukt auf den Markt bringen? Statt Coca Cola gibt es dann eben Zamzam Cola, deren Name sich übrigens NICHT auf den heiligen Brunnen bei Mekka bezieht.
Ob das auf viele Produkte zutrifft weiss ich nicht. Aber das ist halt ein Phänomen bestehender, oder selbst auferlegter Sanktionen. Die DDR war da auch immer recht einfallsreich. Irgendwie möchte das eigene Volk auch an einigen Vorzügen westlicher Lebensmittelchemie teilhaben. Wink Andererseits zeigt man, daß es Alernativen gibt.
Und angeblich läuft die Zamzam-Cola in einigen islamischen Ländern richtig gut. Es ist in einigen Kreisen gewissermassen "in" oder "political correct" von CocaCola/Pepsi auf Zamzam-Cola umzusteigen.