26.11.2009, 20:19
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Zitat:Iran, Belarus Mull over Further Economic Cooperation
Bahmani is also due to open the second Iranian bank in Belarus during his three-day visit.
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Zitat:Iran, Bolivia Ink Cooperation Agreements
The Iranian Presidential office reported on Wednesday that the two documents were about the commissioning of Hemodialysis centers and the MoU covered research and exploitation of Lithium, the statement added.
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Zitat:Iranian, Brazilian Officials Ink 13 Cooperation Agreements
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iranian and Brazilian officials signed a number of economic, trade, cultural, sport, scientific and political cooperation agreements during the visit to Brasilia by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
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Zitat:Iran, China agree on $6.5b refinery project
TEHRAN, Nov. 25 (MNA) – The Chinese refiner Sinopec has signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company to invest $6.5 billion for building oil refineries in Iran.
Seven crude oil refineries with a total capacity of 1.56 million barrels per day at an estimated cost of $23 billion are planned to be built in Iran to boost the domestic refining capacity to 3.2 million bpd.
Sinopec had earlier agreed to import 150,000-160,000 bpd of Iranian crude this year, unchanged from 2008.