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Pakistanisches Militär entdeckt mehrere Tunnel

Rückschlag bei der Suche nach den Terror-Köpfen: In dem von al-Qaida-Kämpfern heftig verteidigten Gebiet an der pakistanischen Grenze sind mehrere Tunnel entdeckt worden. Wenn dort jemals der Stellvertreter von Osama Bin Laden eingekesselt gewesen sein sollte, so konnte er unterirdisch entkommen.
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Rückschlag bei Jagd auf Bin Ladin

Pakistanische Truppen erleiden Verluste bei Kämpfen an afghanischer Grenze
Pakistanische Truppen und mutmassliche al-Kaida-Kämpfer haben sich in den letzten Tagen an der Grenze zu Afghanistan schwere Gefechte geliefert. Bis zu 100 Soldaten wurden getötet oder als vermisst gemeldet. Verhandlungen mit lokalen Stammesführern über eine Übergabe von von al-Kaida-Mitgliedern kommen offenbar nicht voran. Nach französischen Angaben soll Usama bin Ladin zuvor geortet worden sein.

Zitat:Auf ihrer Suche nach Mitgliedern der al-Kaida im Grenzgebiet haben die pakistanischen Truppen einen Rückschlag erlitten. Allein bei einem Überfall auf einen Militärkonvoi wurden zwölf Soldaten getötet. Die Truppen waren auf dem Weg ins Grenzgebiet, um die Offensive dort zu verstärken. Laut Diplomaten könnte die Zahl der getöteten Soldaten seit Beginn der Militäroffensive vor einer Woche bei insgesamt 60 bis 100 liegen.

Proteste der lokalen Stammesführer
Unklar war zunächst, ob die Angreifer zu den islamischen Extremisten gehörten, die sich seit Donnerstag in zwei Ortschaften verschanzen und von der pakistanischen Armee eingekesselt sind. Es soll sich überwiegend um Tschetschenen und Usbeken handeln. Etwa tausend Menschen protestierten am Dienstag mit einer Strassenblockade zehn Kilometer südwestlich von Peshawar gegen die Militäraktion. Ein bei der Demonstration anwesender Stammesführer warnte vor einem Aufstand, sollte die Regierung in Islamabad ihren Einsatz in der Stammesregion nicht beenden.......
Zitat:Shahab3 postete
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit steigt und fällt mit der Politik der eigenen Regierung.
Der Terrorismus wird durch die Politik der Bush-Freunde eben nicht bekämpft, sondern verstärkt. Ich sehe daher, Dank der deutschen Aussenpolitik, keine große Gefahr für Deutschland. Warum haben die Schweizer eigentlich nie Ärger ?!
Die Spanier scheinen das zu verstehen und werden ihrer Regierung hoffentlich einen Denkzettel verpassen.
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Zitat:Mordanschlag auf Rau geplant
Der Bundespräsident bricht seine Afrika-Reise ab. Islamistische Terroristen sollen ein Attentat ihn geplant haben. BND spricht von "sehr konkreten" Hinweisen
"Nun hat die bisherige arrogante und ignorante Regierungsform Raus eine fast sehr blutige Rechnung erhalten , sowohl für den kritiklosen und bedingungslosen Schulterschluss mit den USA entgegen Protesten der Bevölkerung zum Thema Àfghanistankrieg, wie auch die kategorische Ablehnung jeglicher Gespräche oder Verhandlungen mit Al Quaida und ihr anahestaehende islamistischen organisationen ...."

aehnlichkeiten mit anderen Posts aus anderen Threads sind voll beabsichtigt - spiegelt jedoch nicht meine Meinung wieder sondern dient nur die absurditaet solcher Aussagen aufzuzeigen....

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Zitat:Detainees 'planned to attack enemies of Islam'
JAKARTA - A group of Indonesian Muslim extremists who were arrested after a blast at a bomb-making factory had wanted to use the explosives to fight enemies of Islam, police said yesterday.

The detainees said the bombs were made to defend themselves against, and to battle, 'people who are against the religion', according to Jakarta police chief Makbul Padmanegara.
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Zitat:Sydney man recruiting 'volunteers for Jihad': report PRINT FRIENDLY EMAIL STORY
AM - Monday, 22 March , 2004 08:00:40
Reporter: Rafael Epstein
TONY EASTLEY: A Sydney-based Islamic preacher has reportedly been named as a recruiter for an informal Australian terrorist network.

French anti-terror investigators have apparently been told by deported terror suspect Willie Brigitte, that a Sydney man was recruiting "volunteers for Jihad."

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Zitat:Melanie Brown's diary
Ben English

DIARIES kept by Melanie Brown before her arrest in Paris reveal the enormous anxiety she was feeling as the bride of Australia's most notorious terrorist suspect.

French counter-intelligence agents working for anti-terror judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere, confiscated the memoirs as part of their investigation into Ms Brown and her involvement with Brigitte.

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Zitat:Pakistanis in Australian terror plot

IANS[ TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 2004 06:01:53 PM ]

SYDNEY : Two Pakistanis and a Bangladeshi Australian are among the seven suspects believed short-listed by the Australian authorities as main operatives of an alleged terror cell active in Australia .

The terror group is reported to have direct links with a Pakistan based Islamic militant organization, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which was banned by Australian government in November.
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Zitat:P A K I S T A N

El-Kaida-Führer erwischt
| 27.03.04 |

Bei ihrer Offensive gegen Terroristen im Grenzgebiet zu Afghanistan haben pakistanische Soldaten ein ranghohes Mitglied der Terrororganisation schwer verletzt. Militärsprecher Generalmajor Shaukat Sultan erklärte am Samstag, dennoch sei Tahir Yuldash die Flucht gelungen. Yuldash ist der Anführer einer usbekischen Terrororganisation, die sich mit El Kaida verbündet hat.

Trotz der Flucht Yuldashs bezeichnete der Militärsprecher die Operation insgesamt als Erfolg. Die Truppen hätten 60 mutmaßliche terroristische Kämpfer getötet und 163 in Gewahrsam genommen.

Außerdem sei ein Versteck mit Kommunikationseinrichtungen, Tunneln und schweren Waffen ausgehoben worden. Bei der Militäraktion kamen bislang 50 Soldaten und mindestens zwölf Zivilisten ums Leben. ....
Diese Aktion bringen mehr gegen Terrorismus als der ganze Irak-Kireg. Allerdings muss das ständig fortgetrieben werden - bevor der Drache noch mehr Zellen bildet, aus denen neue Köpfe wachsen; Bush jr. hat ja leider im Irak den Boden für Al-Kaida fruchtbar gemacht
[Bild: hydra.jpg]

p.s.: ebenso berichtet der SPIEGEL:
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Daß der amerikanische Krieg gegen den Terror erfolgreich sein wird haben ja viele prophezeit ! Entschuldigt den Sarkasmus , aber so wie das zur Zeit abläuft freuen sich Bin Laden & Co n Loch innen Arsch . Besser kann man ihnen doch keine neuen Freiwilligen zutreiben . Mal sehn , wann die Fundamentalisten die reale Macht im Irak übernehmen . Nur Schade , daß sich der Hass dieser Gruppen nicht nur auf die USA projeziert , sondern auf die gesamte westliche Welt .
Soll das die Antwort auf Shahabs Poste sein ???

"Nun hat die bisherige arrogante und ignorante Regierungsform Raus eine fast sehr blutige Rechnung erhalten , sowohl für den kritiklosen und bedingungslosen Schulterschluss mit den USA entgegen Protesten der Bevölkerung zum Thema Àfghanistankrieg, wie auch die kategorische Ablehnung jeglicher Gespräche oder Verhandlungen mit Al Quaida und ihr anahestaehende islamistischen organisationen ...."

Nun es würde mich mal gerne interessieren wer das in welchen Thread geschrieben hat.
@Rusbeh zu ersten Frage: ja
zur zweiten: siehe Madridthread -habs fast wortwoertlich uebernommen und nur paar Woerter ersetzt...

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Zitat:Blair's speech in Lisbon

Here is the full text of the speech Tony Blair delivered after talks with Portuguese Prime Minister Jose Manuel Durao Barraso.
At my meeting with Mr Zapatero, the prime minister elect of Spain this morning, both of us agreed that unity and solidarity in the face of terrorism was the only possible response.
In any event, for al-Qaeda to pretend that the war in Iraq is the reason for their campaign of violence is a cruel deceit.
There was no occupation of Iraq when Embassies were attacked in Nairobi and Dar-es-Salaam killing over 300 people in 1998 or when the USS Cole was hit and sailors killed by a suicide bomb back in the year 2000.
Morocco and Saudi Arabia took no part in the war but have seen scores of innocent people blown to pieces.
Turkey did not take part in the war in Iraq but many more Turks than foreigners were killed in the suicide attacks in November. Indonesia suffered Bali before the Iraq war even began.
German and French citizens died in bombs in Tunisia and Pakistan.
September 11th was not in retaliation for an attack by the US on al-Qaeda. But an entirely unprovoked attack by al-Qaeda on the US.
Of course they demand we withdraw from Iraq. But their demands do not stop there.
They also demand we withdraw from Afghanistan.
They demand we withdraw from all places in the Middle East, even when there with the consent of the country.
They demand the elimination of Israel.
They even have demanded the reintroduction of a caliphate on the Iberian Peninsula.

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Zitat:Al-Qa'ida double agent duped MI5
From The Times
March 26, 2004
LONDON: One of al-Qa'ida's most dangerous figures has been revealed as a double agent who fooled MI5, raising intense criticism from European governments who had repeatedly called for his arrest.

Britain ignored warnings from friendly governments about Abu Qatada's links with terrorist groups and refused to arrest him.
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Zitat:Al-Jazeera Airs Purported Al-Zawahiri Tape

Thursday, March 25, 2004

CAIRO, Egypt — A tape purportedly recorded by Ayman al-Zawahiri (search), the No. 2 figure in the Al Qaeda (search) terror group, called Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf (search) a "traitor" Thursday and urged people to overthrow his government.
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Zitat:Indonesian Militants 'Keep Regenerating'
Jemaah Islamiah Defies International Efforts to Quash It
By Ellen Nakashima
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, March 25, 2004; Page A17

JAKARTA, Indonesia -- The sun was bright, the sky a flawless blue -- a perfect day for a graduation. In a mountain clearing in the southern Philippines four years ago, 17 young Indonesians snapped to attention in their camouflage fatigues, two instructors recalled. They marched in formation. They assembled a low-explosive bomb and detonated it. They crawled on the ground with AK-47s.
"Allahu Akbar!" the audience cheered: "God is greatest."
The men were the first graduates of the military academy established by Jemaah Islamiah, a Southeast Asian militant network allied with al Qaeda.

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Zitat:Egyptian court convicts 26 men for trying to revive outlawed Islamic group

Updated at 13:22 on March 25, 2004, EST.

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Shouts of "God is great!" rang out in a court Thursday after judges sentenced 26 men, including three Britons, to prison terms of one to five years for trying to revive an outlawed Islamic group.

The rights group Amnesty International condemned the convictions and accused the authorities of failing to investigate the defendants' allegations of torture.
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Zitat:Thaksin party lawmaker faces treason charges
Muslim member of the Thai Rak Thai party has been implicated by one of five people arrested over January attack in Thai south

BANGKOK - A prominent member of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra's ruling party faced treason charges yesterday over a deadly January attack on an army base in the Muslim south after a court ordered his arrest.
Najmuddin Umar, a Muslim member of Mr Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai party, was implicated by one of five people arrested last month over the highly planned raid in Narathiwat province which left four soldiers dead.
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Saudi royals still
funding al-Qaida
Millions of dollars going to terrorist network, related groups
Prominent members of the Saudi royal family continue to supply millions of dollars to al-Qaida and related groups, U.S. officials said, according to Geostrategy-Direct, the global intelligence service

The money is funneled through so-called charities, such as the Al Haramayn Islamic Foundation, they said.
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Zitat:Homemade bombs strike Zanzibar over weekend
Dud grenade lands on British diplomat's dinner table
Monday, March 22, 2004 Posted: 2144 GMT (0544 HKT)

ZANZIBAR, Tanzania (Reuters) -- A spate of weekend bombings on Zanzibar, which hosted visiting German President Johannes Rau on Monday, hit the homes of local political and religious leaders and a restaurant being used by Western diplomats, police said.

There were no casualties from the homemade bomb blasts at the house of Zubeir Ali Maulid, a cabinet minister in the Tanzanian semi-autonomous island's government, and the home of Zanzibar's Mufti and top Islamic leader, Harith bin Khelef, said police spokesman George Kizuguto.
The weekend blasts followed bomb attacks last week on a church, a school bus and a number of electric transformers.

Kizuguto said five Muslim leaders held over last week's attacks would be charged in court on Monday.
"We are still investigating those involved in the weekend activities," he said.

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Zitat:FBI's Mueller Warns of Terrorist Plots
Fri Mar 26,11:19 AM ET Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The deadly train bombings in Spain and the impact they had on Spanish elections are increasing concern that terrorists might target the U.S. presidential nominating conventions and the Olympics to make an even bolder statement, FBI (news - web sites) Director Robert Mueller says.

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Zitat:Dutch politician in line for EU "Mr Terrorism" post

24 March 2004

Former Dutch deputy interior minister Gijs de Vries is in line to be appointed the European Union's new anti-terrorism coordinator at an EU summit this week, officials said Wednesday.
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Zitat:Al-Qaida man planned Italy bomb

John Hooper in Rome
Friday March 26, 2004
The Guardian

An al-Qaida operative told the Italian police that his unit had been poised to carry out mass murder at the main Milan railway terminus, possibly before the September 11 attacks, the newspaper Corriere della Sera reported yesterday.
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Zitat:Pakistan offensive 'un-Islamic'
Opposition parties in Pakistan have condemned an ongoing military operation against suspected al-Qaeda sympathisers in South Waziristan.
In a heated debate in parliament on Thursday, they denounced the killing of Muslims as an "un-Islamic act."
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Zitat:Uzbek Al-Qaeda chief hurt but not captured in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD : A senior Al-Qaeda leader was injured and on the run in Pakistan, a military spokesman said as a bloody 12-day offensive to capture foreign Islamic militants and their local supporters appeared to be drawing to a close.

"Tahir Yuldashev is one of the top Al-Qaeda leaders and is also head of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan," Major General Shaukat Sultan told AFP. "He has been injured along with his local faciliators in the ongoing military operation near Wana and is hiding somewhere."
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Zitat:Hochrangiges Al-Qaeda-Mitglied getötet

29. Mär 16:37

Die pakistanische Armee hat nach eigenen Angaben den «Aufklärungschef» der Al Qaeda getötet. Dutzende Extremisten wurden festgenommen.

Die Großoffensive der pakistanischen Armee war offenbar nicht erfolglos. Ein Sprecher sagte am Montag, man sei in der vergangenen Woche auf zwei hochrangige Mitglieder des Terror-Netzwerks gestoßen. Abdullah, der «Aufklärungschef» der Extremisten, sei bei einem Angriff in der Provinz Süd-Waziristan getötet worden, der usbekische Extremist Tahir Juldaschew sei verletzt worden. Er sei die «Nummer zehn» in der Hierarchie.
Offenbar ist der pakistanischen Armee da mit ihrer Offensive ein großer Fang geglückt. Bei den Kämpfen wurden übrigens 63 mutmaßliche islamistische Extremisten getötet und 163 weitere gefangengenommen. Auch 62 Soldaten der pakistanischen Armee kamen ums Leben.
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Zitat:29.03.2004 17:15 Uhr

19 Tote bei Selbstmordanschlag in Usbekistan

Taschkent (dpa) - In der an Afghanistan grenzenden Republik Usbekistan sind bei mehreren Terroranschlägen am Montag mindestens 19 Menschen getötet worden. Das teilte der Generalstaatsanwalt Raschid Kadyrow in der Hauptstadt Taschkent mit.
jetzt werden also langsam auch die zentralasiatischen Staaten in den Strudel einbezogen
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Zitat:London macht Jagd auf Terroristen

Bombenfähiger Chemiedünger beschlagnahmt

"Die Bedrohung bleibt sehr real", sagt Peter Clarke, Chef der Londoner Anti-Terror-Einheit. In der britischen Metropole hat es am Dienstag eine groß angelegte Razzia gegeben: acht Festnahmen und ein bombenfähiger Dünger.
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Zitat:Spokesman Inayat Bunglawala said the lack of a terror attack in the UK was partly due to Muslim intelligence.
The move comes as police continue to question eight British men about the discovery in London of fertiliser which can be used to make explosives.

Zitat:Anti-terrorism officers are continuing to question eight men as they investigate an alleged bomb plot.
The arrests in south-east England came as detectives seized half a ton of fertiliser, of a type used as explosive in the Bali and Istanbul bombings.
The suspects are thought to be at Paddington Green's high-security police station in London, and could be held up to a fortnight under anti-terror laws.

Zitat:Ahmad Khan, 18, Omar Khyam, 22, and Shujah Khyam, 17, were arrested in Crawley, West Sussex, on Tuesday.
Ansar Khan, father of Ahmad and uncle of Omar and Shujuah, said there was "absolutely no truth" in the allegations against them.
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BND deckte offenbar Verbindung zwischen saudischem Königshaus und Al Qaeda auf

Der in Deutschland lebende Reda Seyam wird verdächtigt, die Anschläge 2002 auf Bali finanziert zu haben. Möglicherweise hat er noch mehr interessante Kontakte.

Zitat:Der deutsche Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) soll eine Verbindung zwischen dem Terror-Netzwerk Al Qaeda und dem saudischen Königshaus gefunden haben, zumindest berichtet das die amerikanische «Chicago Tribune». Sollten sich die Erkenntnisse bestätigen, wären sie der bisher erste Hinweis für eine von internationalen Ermittlern schon lange gehegte und unbewiesene Vermutung: Al Qaeda bekam auch von der saudi-arabischen Regierung Geld für Terroranschläge..........
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MI5-Agenten verhinderten Anschlag auf London

Der Anschlag, den Terroristen möglicherweise in London planten, hätte verheerendere Folgen haben können als bislang bekannt. Scotland Yard und Agenten des britischen Geheimdienstes MI5 hatten mehr als eine halbe Tonne Chemikalien entdeckt, mit denen Bomben gebastelt werden können.
Muslimische Organisationen kritisierten die Aktion. Das Resultat solcher Razzien sei, das die muslimische Gemeinde dämonisiert werde, sagte Massud Schadjareh von der Islamischen Menschenrechtsorganisation.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Das ist die Hoehe beschweren sich ueber Razzien - muahahaha

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Zitat:Chicago, L.A. towers were next targets

By Paul Martin

LONDON — Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, al Qaeda's purported operations chief, has told U.S. interrogators that the group had been planning attacks on the Library Tower in Los Angeles and the Sears Tower in Chicago on the heels of the September 11, 2001, terror strikes.
Those plans were aborted mainly because of the decisive U.S. response to the New York and Washington attacks, which disrupted the terrorist organization's plans so thoroughly that it could not proceed, according to transcripts of his conversations with interrogators.
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Zitat:Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:05 p.m. EST
Rice Quotes Contradict Clarke Account

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice warned of the threat posed by al-Qaida kingpin Osama bin Laden a full year before Clinton terrorism czar Richard Clarke claimed she expressed ignorance of the term al-Qaida.

In his book "Against All Enemies," Clarke paints Rice as someone who cared little and knew less about the terrorist threat, saying that when he briefed her on al-Qaida in January 2001, "her facial expression gave me the impression that she had never heard the term before."

Turns out Clarke was 100 percent wrong, as an audio clip unearthed by Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity and aired on "Hannity & Colmes" last night shows.
Scheisse wars *g*
Gell Erich *gg*

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Zitat:Ottawa Muslims held in global terror sweep
'They think they were making bombs'

Tuesday, March 30, 2004
A handful of Ottawa Muslims were being questioned last night in what authorities described as an international terror probe that saw heavily-armed Mounties storm the home of one of the city's most prominent Muslims.
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Zitat:Bomber dies in blast at Italian McDonald's
By Peter Popham in Rome
30 March 2004

An apparent attempt to blow up a McDonald's drive-in restaurant in northern Italy was foiled on Sunday but the suspected terrorist died when his car exploded with him strapped inside
Solche Schweine - jetzt auch gegen Mac Donalds >Sad
Wenigstens hat der sich selber ins jenseits befoerdert ohne jemanden mitzunehmen - eigentlich was fuern Darwinaward

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Zitat:Washington Diary
The Old Man in the Mountain
Post March 26, 2004
By James P. Lucier

Reports were filtering back into the West about a mysterious spiritual leader holed up in a mountain fortress. He attracted hundreds of young men by offering training in religious doctrine, devotional discipline and terrorism. He singled out for attack those he judged to have been corrupted by power and luxury or who, in his view, were insufficiently dedicated to the principles of Islam. In the dead of night his trained terrorists would enter the highly guarded precinct of the targeted victim and slit his throat, even though they were almost certain to be killed when the alarm was raised. This disadvantage was offset by a carefully taught theological conviction that, when slain, they would be rewarded instantly with the joys of paradise. These terrorists were called assassins, the Hashishiyyin, because they used cannabis to give them courage.

This is how, in the 12th century, the word assassin became part of the vocabulary of the Western languages. According to accounts brought back by the Crusaders, the Old Man in the Mountain had such control over his followers that he would amuse and terrorize visitors to his castle by ordering a few of his young men to jump off a cliff to demonstrate that they would obey his slightest whim. This man, of course, was not Osama bin Laden. Nor were the Crusader accounts mythological.
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Zitat:New bomb find in southern Thailand
Tension in the town of Sungai Golok rises sharply after the bomb is discovered in a vehicle, two days after Saturday's blast

By Nirmal Ghosh

NARATHIWAT - Tension in the border town of Sungai Golok in southern Thailand escalated dramatically following the discovery of another bomb here yesterday morning.
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Zitat:Police Seize Bomb-Making Chemicals in Terror Raids

By Nick Allen and Pat Hurst, PA News

Police today seized more than half a tonne of ammonium nitrate fertiliser which could have been used to carry out a terror bombing on UK soil.

Eight suspected Islamic terrorists, all British citizens of Pakistani descent, were arrested as 700 officers carried out 24 raids across London and the Home Counties.
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Zitat:Sheikh called terrorist for 'divorce advice'
By Trudy Harris
March 31, 2004
IT'S late at night and Abdul Salam Zoud has a problem. The leader of Sydney's Islamic fundamentalists needs prompt answers to some serious and specific questions.

His fellow clerics around Australia are sound asleep or uncontactable.

So he telephones one of al-Qaeda's most dangerous figures halfway across the world.
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Zitat:Anti-terrorism charges laid against Ottawa man after raid on home, office
at 23:34 on March 30, 2004, EST.

OTTAWA (CP) - An Ottawa man was charged Tuesday with two terrorism-related offences after police raids at his home and office, while shocked family members insisted upon his innocence.

Mohammad Momim Khawaja, 29, was arrested Monday at his workplace and charged with participating in or contributing to the activities of a terrorist group and facilitating terrorist activity, the RCMP said in a release. The charges fall under Canada's anti-terrorism law.

Television reports said the Canadian-born Khawaja, a software developer, worked on contract for the Department of Foreign Affairs.
Cool fuers Auswaerte Amt kann wohl jeder arbeiten...

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Zitat:Militants Seize Hostages in Uzbekistan
2 hours, 27 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - Militants seized hostages Wednesday during a standoff with authorities after the latest explosion in Uzbekistan's capital, police said. A news agency reported casualties in the latest wave of terrorist-related violence in the Central Asian nation.
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Zitat:Central Asia

The growth of radical Islam in Central Asia

Recent reports
Prior to the recent terror attacks in Uzbekistan which claimed at least 19 lives, a spate of reports from the region shows ongoing Islamist activity and law-enforcement efforts to contain it. One report details the state of affairs in the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Other reports suggest that Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (Party of Islamic Liberation - HT), an organization that now stands at the center of concerns over rising Islamist activity in Central Asia, is increasingly tailoring its recruiting efforts to match local dynamics in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, targeting individuals from the dominant ethnic group with a higher education and ties to state institutions.
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Zitat:Gunmen Seize Explosives in Thailand's Muslim South

March 31 — By Nopporn Wong-Anan
LIBOL, Thailand (Reuters) - Heavily armed raiders stole a large quantity of explosives from a quarry in Thailand's largely Muslim south, just days after a bomb attack in the region and prompting fears of another, officials said on Wednesday.
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„Ihr müsst euch bekennen!“

Wo bleibt der Aufstand der anständigen Muslime? Die Funktionäre drücken sich. Die Liberalen fordern eine deutsche Leitkultur

Zitat:Seit den Anschlägen von Madrid am 11. März vergeht kaum ein Tag ohne die Forderung an die Muslime in Deutschland, sich entschieden vom islamistischen Terrorismus zu distanzieren. Die Innenminister Schily, Beckstein und Schönbohm finden sich mit ihren Appellen zum Coming-out der friedliebenden Muslime in der ungewohnten Gesellschaft des PEN-Clubs, der die islamischen Intellektuellen aufruft, „das Schweigen gegenüber dem mörderischen Terror“ zu brechen. Und auch die Oberhäupter der beiden großen christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland, Bischof Huber und Kardinal Lehmann, sprechen in einem neuen Ton der Dringlichkeit von einer „Bringschuld des Islams“, endlich die Bejahung von Rechtsstaat und Demokratie ohne „taktische Anpassungsmanöver“ erkennbar zu machen..........
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Stewart Bell

National Post,3/31/2004 - A new al-Qaeda manual posted on the Internet is calling for terrorist attacks against Canadians, and specifies that businessmen, politicians, scientists, soldiers and tourists should be targeted, according to U.S. researchers.

Canada is one of six nations whose citizens are identified as "human targets" in the Arabic-language publication, which is reported to be the work of senior Egyptian al-Qaeda figure Saif al-Adel.

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Zitat:Bomb plot suspects 'innocent'
From correspondents in Crawley, England

RELATIVES of young men arrested in a police anti-terrorist sweep that netted half a ton of potentially explosive fertiliser proclaimed their innocence today, while British Muslim leaders called for vigilance against terrorist activity
Loool - unschuldig - klar - das ist Bin Laden auch *gg*

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Zitat:Muslims 'must not denounce other Muslims'
(Filed: 01/04/2004)

Muslims cannot co-operate with local authorities against other members of the faith, the outspoken leader of an Islamic group has said.
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad was reacting to a call from the Muslim Council of Britain for the community to play its part in the fight against terrorism, following the anti-terrorism raids earlier this week in which eight men were arrested.
The mainstream Council is trying to limit "rogue" Islamic preachers, blaming them for brainwashing young men and promoting holy war against the West
Den wuerd ich sofort ausweisen - Anstiftung Terroristen zu decken.

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Zitat:Pakistani Police Nab Suspected Islamic Militant

Thursday, April 01, 2004

KARACHI, Pakistan — Police arrested a suspected Islamic militant
(search) with time bombs and hand grenades in Pakistan's largest city of Karachi (search) on Thursday, officials said.
Senior police officials denied media reports the suspect was planning to assassinate Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali (search), who is currently visiting Karachi — a city hit by a wave of terrorist attacks in recent years.
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Zitat:ATC gives three men death, 4 life, for Murree attack

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: An anti-terrorism court judge delivered death sentences to three convicts and life imprisonment to another four for a terrorist attack on a missionary school in Murree in May 2002, on Wednesday.

Anti-terrorism Court Judge Safdar Hussain Malik, handing down the sentences at Adiala Jail due to security reasons, gave death to Attaullah, Saifur Rehman and Abu Bakr, while Abdul Qadeer, Muhammad Izhar, Muhammad Asif and Saifur Rehman were given life sentences.
Die Pakistanis fangen jetzt so langsam an ihren Sauhaufen zumindest ein kleines bischen aufzuraeumen. :daumen:

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Zitat:Uzbekistan Suicide Bomber Kills One
1 hour, 22 minutes ago Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

TASHKENT, Uzbekistan - A woman blew herself up in Uzbekistan's central Bukhara region Thursday, killing a man and critically injuring herself, police said.