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Zitat:India Successfully Tests Anti-Aircraft Missile

India successfully test-fired a short-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile on Nov. 26, from a site in the eastern state of Orissa, defense sources said.

The missile, named Akash which means Sky in Hindi, was fired from a mobile launcher at the Chandipur-on-Sea testing site, northeast of the Orissa state capital of Bhubaneswar.

“It successfully hit the target” attached to a target aircraft, one source said.
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Korporation Irkut nahm die Lieferung des Schlusspostens von Jagdflugzeugen Su-30MKI der letzten Generation nach Indien auf

Zitat:Die russische Korporation Irkut nahm die Lieferung des dritten, aus sechs Jagdflugzeugen Su-30MKI der letzten Generation bestehenden Schlusspostens an die Luftstreitkräfte Indiens auf. Das teilte Alexej Fjodorow, Präsident der Korporation Irkut, auf einer Pressekonferenz in Moskau mit.
"Somit schließt Irkut in Kooperation mit dem Sonderkonstruktionsbüro /OKB/ ‚Suchoi', der Forschungs- und Produktionsvereinigung /NPO/ Saturn und anderen Unternehmen die Erfüllung des präzedenzlosen Vertrags ab, der vor acht Jahren, am 30. November 1996, unterzeichnet worden war", sagte er.
Wie Fjodorow berichtete, war in dem mit den Luftstreitkräften Indiens abgeschlossenen Vertrag die Lieferung von 40 Jagdflugzeugen Su-30MKI im Zeitraum von 2002 bis 2004 vorgesehen. Der gesamte Vertrag war in drei Etappen gegliedert worden.
Im Rahmen der ersten Etappe waren die Flugzeuge hauptsächlich für die Angriffe auf Luftziele bestimmt.
In der zweiten Etappe war das Jagdflugzeug für den Einsatz der X-31A-Rakete und den gleichzeitigen Angriff auf vier Luftziele unter Anwendung der gelenkten Luft-Luft-Rakete überarbeitet worden.
Das Flugzeug Su-30MKI der dritten Etappe realisiert alle Regimes der Navigation und des Kampfeinsatzes, entsprechend den präzisierten Vertragsverpflichtungen. Von dieser Maschinen aus können alle Luftkampfmittel, einschließlich des gleichzeitigen Angriffs mit Luft-Luft-Raketen, und die gelenkten Fliegerbomben Kaliber 500 und 1 500 Kilogramm mit Zielanzeige vom Laservisiersystem eingesetzt werden. Das Flugzeug der dritten Etappe ist mit einer vervollkommneten Antenne ausgestattet und sichert die gleichzeitige Begleitung von 15 Zielen und den Angriff auf vier Ziele wie auch die Kartographierung der Erdoberfläche mit hohem Auflösungsvermögen.
Wie Juri Lastotschkin, Chef der NPO Saturn, mitteilte, ist die Produktion russischer Jagdflugzeuge Su-30MKI in der indischen Korporation HAL aufgenommen worden.
"Derzeit werden zwei erste Flugzeuge erprobt. Die Produktion auf Grund der Lizenz ist entfaltet worden und nimmt an Tempo zu", betonte er.
Laut Lastotschkin werde die indische Seite in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen des Vertrags mit der Dauer bis 2007 das russische Jagdflugzeug, einschließlich der Triebwerke, der Avionik und der Bordausrüstung, bauen.
"Für die Produktion der Triebwerke auf Grund der Lizenz wird in Indien ein Werk mit allen notwendigen Abteilungen errichtet", teilte der Chef der NPO Saturn mit.
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Zitat:Embraer Signs MOU with India for Development of a New AEW&C System

(Source: Embraer; issued Feb. 8, 2005)

BANGALORE, India --- Embraer announced today that a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) has been signed with the Indian DRDO (Defense, Research and Development Organization) to support the Indian Air Force new Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) system development.

The new asset will be based on the EMB 145 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) platform, one of the world's best selling ISR platforms. Embraer's commitment to contribute its previous experience in platform development and complex systems integration was a key factor in the DRDO's selection.

Indian government analysts and Embraer company engineers are collecting necessary technical data on the aircraft for the study. At the request of the Indian government, an Embraer team recently visited Indian Defense Research and Development Organization and held in-depth discussions to support DRDO personnel in their task.

The analysis is expected to result in an initial contract for three EMB 145 AEW&C aircraft and technical support during the development effort. An order for additional aircraft could materialize in the future, based on a successful first development phase.
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Zitat:India Has Plans for New Jet, Long-Range UAV

India is planning to develop a new jet fighter and a long-range version of an unmanned aircraft, defense officials said Feb 11.

The “Lead-in Jet Fighter” is at the drawing board stage and would be a natural progression from India’s existing homegrown Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), said N. Natarajan, scientific advisor to the defense minister.

“The technologies and capabilities which the Aeronautical Development Agency has acquired from the Light Combat Aircraft can been put to use in the new jet fighter,” he said. “The jet will have dual roles of a trainer and fighter.”

During the making of the LCA, engineering, design and computer aided manufacturing capabilities had been discovered that could be integrated and used in the manufacture of a new aircraft, Natarajan said.
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Zitat:The Indian government has given the air force a green light to purchase 126 multi-role aircraft, Air Chief Marshal S.P. Tyagi said Feb. 7.

“At the moment, the government has cleared the purchase of 126 aircraft. We are taking information from four countries, the United States, France, Sweden and Russia,” Tyagi told reporters on the fringes of an aero-space seminar. “We are seeking information (on various aircraft). It could be single engine or twin engine (jets). The field is right open.”

“Once we get the information, we will go ahead and seek requests for proposals. We will study those proposals and carry out a technical evaluation .... Then we will do commercial negotiations,” Tyagi said.

All the aircraft would be bought from a single manufacturer, he said, adding,” We cannot buy half from one and half from another because it increases our difficulties.”

France’s Dassault and U.S. giant Lockheed have long been considered frontrunners to upgrade the Indian air force.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has about 1,500 aircraft, but has lost a number jets, particularly Russian-made MiG-21s, which have been nicknamed “flying coffins” in India.

Tyagi said there was no fixed timeframe for the acquisitions but, “as chief of air staff, I want it today.”

He refused to put a price on the acquisitions.

“It’s too early because each aircraft comes with a lot of systems, weapons, so I cannot even hazard a guess,” he said.

The seminar precedes India’s annual air show which opens in Bangalore on Feb. 9. Lockheed Martin is showcasing F-16 fighters alongside Russia’s Sukhois, MiG-29 and MiG-21 jets and Dassault’s Mirage 2000.
Gerüchte über den Kauf von neuen Kampfflugzeguen gibt es schon länger und immer spielten dabei die Mirage 2000-5 und auch die Rafale den Hauptpart.
Lange hielt sich das auch Gerücht das Indien Mirage 2000 D kauft.
Aber die Zeichen verdichten sich das die Mirage 2000-5 das rennen machen wird und dies wäre auch ein logischerr Schritt da die indische Luftwaffe sehr zufrieden ist mit der Mirage 2000 und dies auch den logistischen Aufwand in Grenzen halten würde.
Guter Überblick über die Rüstungsprojekte der indischen Luftwaffe.

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Zitat:India Clarifies Combat Aircraft Plans

PARIS --- The Indian government has this week gone some ways to clarify its plans to renew its fleet of combat aircraft, but there are lingering doubts as to whether it will be able to implement these plans in their present form.

For example, the cost and complexity of aircraft development programs makes an investment in three distinct jet trainer programs a needless duplication of expenditure and energy. The Indian air force’s procurement plans also include fighter and transport aircraft, AEW&C aircraft, helicopters and beyond-visual range air-to-air missiles, but India has allocated about $50 billion to defense procurement over the next five years.

The most significant development was the Feb. 7 confirmation by Air Force Chief of Staff S.K. Tyagi that India would buy 125 new combat aircraft, and had issued Requests for Information (RFI) to four manufacturers: Dassault Aviation for the Mirage 2000, Lockheed Martin for the F-16, Russia for the Mikoyan MiG-29 and Saab for the Gripen. The Eurofighter Typhoon was not included as “there are specifications which the IAF had in mind which the Typhoon does not match,” Tyagi was quoted as saying.

Until recently, Indian had been negotiating directly with Dassault to buy 120-140 Mirages, which it already operates, and no reason was provided for its new procurement strategy. The inclusion of the F-16 is somewhat surprising as India has previously operated Russian and French combat aircraft, and introducing US weapons, logistics and training would undoubtedly add to capital and operating costs.

Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters during the Aero India show in Bangalore this week that Washington has shown interest in participating "in a big way" in India's defense market, and that while New Delhi wanted to "encourage" this trend the US would have to demonstrate its "credibility and dependability" as a supplier. He also noted that there are political and legal obstacles.
Im Zuge und als eine Art Gegenleistung für den Verkauf von F-16 an Pakistan
soll Amerika nun Indien sowohl die F-18 als auch F-16 Block 70 (!) angeboten haben.Diese sollen auch in Indien produziert werden können.
Dies berichten indische Zeitungen.

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Zitat:Lockheed Martin offers 'exclusive' F-16s to India

US aviation manufacturer Lockheed Martin has offered to build "exclusive" F-16 fighters for the Indian Air Force, much superior to any existing fighters in service world over.

"If India's requirements are beyond any existing fighters, we are prepared to make upgraded F-16s to India's specifications with complete transfer of technology," Mike Kelly, Senior Executive of Lockheed Martin told the agency in comments that assume importance after US Administration's decision to clear sales of high-technology fighters to India and Pakistan.
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Zitat:US offers co-production of F-18s to IndiaAdd to Clippings

NEW DELHI: In a dramatic decision, the United States on Friday night offered the co-production of F-18 fighter jets to India.

This follows the US decision to sell a number of F-16 fighter planes to Pakistan. Indian would be licensed by the United States to produce at least six ti
Wie realistisch diese Angebote sind mag ich nicht anschätzen aber vor allen Dingen das F-18 Angebot klingt höchts komisch.
Ich persönlich würde Indien sowieso davon abraten.Man sollte sich stattdessen darauf konzentrieren die innerhalb der Luftwafffe vorhandenen Muster mit neuen zu ergänzen oder gleich wirklich neue der 4.Generation zu beschaffen,sprich Rafale oder auch die Gripen.
Ersteres erspart Wartungskosten und ähnliches.
Ich denke man sollte nicht neben russischen Mustern und französischen nicht auch noch amerikanische besorgen.
Zitat:India May Buy 12 Used Mirage Jets from Qatar

India’s federal cabinet on March 29 authorized the defense ministry to negotiate the purchase of a dozen used French-made Mirage 2000 jet fighters from Qatar, Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee said.

India’s air force currently flies the fighter jets made by France’s Dassault Aviation and signed a deal in September 2000 to buy 10 new planes to replace aircraft lost out of a 1985 order of 49 Mirages.

Mukherjee said a federal cabinet committee on security headed by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh “authorized” the defense ministry to open negotiations with Qatar to buy a dozen more of the Mirage war planes.
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FLIEGER REVUE 07/2005 print S. 22 - 23
Zitat:Indien sucht neues Mehrzweckkampfflugzeug

Ablösung für MiG 23

Indien rüstet auf. Das nach China bevölerungsreichste Land will seine Luftstreitkräfte massiv modernisieren. In den kommenden Jahren sollen 126 Mehrzweckkampfflugzeuge MRS (Multi Rile Combat Aircraft) beschafft werden udn die alternde MiG-23-Flotte ersetzen. Gleichzeitig soll das MRCA die beretis in Dienst stehenden MiG-29 B und Mirage 2000 H der Indian Airforce unterstützten.
aero india 2005: Bilder und Diskussion unter <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =126.topic</a><!-- m --> (bin nicht sicher, möglicherweise Anmeldung nötig)
Zitat:India Investigating F/A-18 Super Hornet AESA Radars, AH-64D Apaches
Posted 03-Nov-2005 10:01

F/A-18E Super HornetDID has reported on India's deepening relationship with the USA before, and on its multi-billion lightweight fighter competition that recently added US fighters like the F-16 to the platforms under consideration.

It would appear that one can also add the F/A-18 E/F Super Hornet to the list of aircraft under serious consideration by India - and the AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter as well.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... #orison_mc</a><!-- m -->
Wäre ja eine interessante Mischung über die die Inder dann verfügen würden...
F/A-18 für ein "Lightweight Fighter Competition"?! Na ja...aber der Artikel ist im weiteren Verlauf durchaus fachlich besser als es diese ersten Zeilen vermuten lassen.
Zitat:India Hopes To Build New Fighter Jet with Russia

Indian Defense Minister Pranab Mukherjee expressed satisfaction Nov. 18 with his country’s already sizeable defense procurement cooperation with Russia and outlined hopes of their jointly building a new fighter jet.

Mukherjee reiterated India’s hopes of developing a new fighter jet with Moscow, following an agreement signed this week to jointly build a new transport plane.
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Na, wenn sich da nicht der erste PAKFA-Partner einkauft. Wäre ein Schritt, dem JSF-Konkurrenten ein wenig in die Spur zu helfen...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... its_stuff/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Russian Industry Shows Its Stuff
By Butowski, Piotr

MAKS'2005 was marked by technology innovations and some important international agreements

Indian contract

Among the major contracts and agreements finalized at MAKS'2005, Russian Rosoboronexport arms trade company and India's HAL signed the agreement on starting in India license production of AL-551 engines for Indian HJT-36 training aircraft. The general agreement and the first part of the contract concerning development of the AL- 55I engine were signed earlier, in June 2005.

MiG-35 for India

RSK MiG director general Aleksey Fiodorov announced at the show that the fighter formerly known as MG-29M/M2 (izdeliye 9-61/9-67) is now designated MiG-35. It will compete in India's upcoming contest for 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (M-MRCA). Among the multiple pretenders, the favourites are seen as the Mirage 2000-5 Mk II and Russian MiG-35.

RSK MiG is not talking in detail about its offer for India. However, it is known that the MiG-35's airframe will be similar to that of shipborne MiG-29K fighter made for India except for smaller, non-folding wings. A new solution offered to India within the MiG- 35 project is the thrustvectoring engine, as shown on the MiG-29OVT experimental fighter during MAKS'2005. Russians are taking advantage of the fact that India is very proud of the super maneuverability of its Su30MKI fighters and they are implementing the same technology on the MiG-35.

The Indian tender will not be decided for 2-3 years, but it is known that India would like to obtain an AESA radar. To meet these expectations, Phazotron-NIIR radar design bureau displayed a model of the Zhuk-A radar intended for the MiG-35. Zhuk-A retains the architecture and basic components of previous radars of this series, Zhuk-M with mechanical scanning and Zhuk-MF with the passive electronic antenna; only the active antenna is new.

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