(Asien) Malaysia: Marine, MarineCorps und Küstenwache
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17 July

Domestic Boustead formally contracted with building six patrol ships … French GOWIND design … technology transfer/assistance from French DCNS … first ship to be delivered in 2017, with the remainder to follow at 6-month intervals.
(rmks: project already announced in 2011)

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05 October

Malaysian navy COMBATBOAT 90 assault vessel CB-204 has gone missing in bad weather … on its way from the Kota Kinabalu naval base to Spratlys Islands … search & rescue mission underway.

06 October

Update: A COMBATBOAT 90 patrol craft that went missing in severe weather has been found … had experienced engine and steering problems … boat and all crew safe.

The first new Offshore Patrol Vessel / Littoral Combat Ship to be built by domestic Boustead (with assistance from French DCNS) is planned to start sea trials in 2018 and enter operational service in 2019.
die FAZ berichtet auch darüber - im Rahmen einer größeren Abhandlung:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/asien/suedostasiatische-laender-kaufen-immer-neue-u-boote-13296893.html">http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausl ... 96893.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Wettrennen unter Wasser

In den vergangenen Jahren hat China eine beachtliche U-Boot-Flotte aufgebaut. Aus Furcht ziehen nun viele südostasiatische Länder nach und rüsten ihre Seestreitkräfte ebenfalls auf.

03.12.2014, von Till Fähnders, Singapur ...

.... Malaysia hat vor Jahren zwei französische Scorpène-U-Boote gekauft, die in Kota Kinabalu auf der Insel Borneo mit Zugang zum Südchinesischen Meer untergebracht sind.

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27 February

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency has received its first of two BAY class patrol vessel donated by Australia … former ARNHEM BAY renamed PERWIRA … second vessel expected by mid-2015.
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09 April

Six new GOWIND class offshore patrol vessels to be built by domestic Boustead will be fitted with Norwegian (Kongsberg) NSM naval strike missiles.

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23 April

The Royal Malaysian Navy plans to upgrade four of its six KEDAH-class (Meko 100 RMN) corvettes for anti-submarine warfare operations.

Zitat:Malaysia Considers Turkish KUZGUN Missiles for Warships
14 May 2024, 11:58 2 mins

Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show
Malaysia Considers Turkish KUZGUN Missiles for Warships
Malaysian Dayatech Merin has shown its concept for a turreted launcher intended for TÜBİTAK SAGE’s KUZGUN missiles to be used on warships. Naval News’ coverage from DSA 2024 includes the Malaysian firm exhibiting scaled models of all three KUZGUN variants: solid-fuel rocket (KY), turbojet (TJ), and gliding (SS) alongside an illustration of a five-tube launcher. The KUZGUN joint modular munition family members boast versatility with interchangeable seeker and warhead modules. The seeker options span laser, IIR, mmW radar, and, in the future, dual (IIR+laser), as reported by Defence Turkiye. Warhead options include multi-purpose, penetration, and thermobaric, offering a wide range of potential applications. The launcher was shown alongside pictures of Malaysian Navy ships in service, such as fast attack craft and corvettes. The solid-fuel rocket-powered variant, KUZGUN KY, was fired from ASELSAN-Sefine JV’s MARLIN armed USV. The missile has a maximum range of 40 km and a ten kg warhead. Work for the other variants is ongoing. In 2023, KUZGUN SS will be integrated into TUSAŞ’s AKSUNGUR UCAV. The unpowered KUZGUN SS will be available to surface platforms with a booster with a range of 40 km and a 14x2 kg warhead. A turbojet-powered KUZGUN TJ with a range of 150 km and a 14 kg warhead is under development. Like KUZGUN SS, it will have to be fitted with a booster for surface launch. This isn’t the first time the KUZGUN family received interest from another country. TÜBİTAK SAGE’s former Director, Gürcan Okumuş, stated that some potential export customers were interested in integrating the KUZGUN KY missile on ground platforms in an interview with Youtuber Kaner Kurt.

Zitat:STM to Construct Malaysian LMS Batch 2
10 Jun 2024, 12:21 2 mins

Navy / Maritime
STM to Construct Malaysian LMS Batch 2
Turkish STM will construct the RoyalMalaysian Royal Navy’s Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Batch 2 Project. Secretary of Defence Industries announced the procurement. Secretary of Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) Professor Haluk Görgün announced the development from his social media account. Görgün said that Turkiye and Malaysia held the “Signing Ceremony for the MoU on G2G Procurement for Defence Products between Türkiye and Malaysia”. The ceremony included the “Handing Over for the Letter of Acceptance of the Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Batch 2 Project”, which will be procured for the Royal Malaysian Navy.


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