Spratly Inseln / südchinesisches Meer
das war längst zu erwarten
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24 November

In the first visit of this kind to the Philippines, Vietnamese GEPARD class frigates HQ-11 and HQ-12 arrive in the Philippines … stay until 26 Nov … conduct also bilateral training.

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15 December

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Philippines: China has ignored the 15 Dec deadline set by the United Nations arbitral tribunal for the submission of its position on a case filed by the Philippines contesting Beijing’s expansive maritime claims … argued the arbitral tribunal does not have jurisdiction over the case.

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30 December

Notwithstanding ongoing territorial disputes in the South China Sea (Paracel archipelago), the Chinese and Vietnamese navies continue joint patrols agreed upon in 2005 … 17th such two-day patrol just concluded in the Beibu Gulf … more to follow in 2015.
China macht aus Riffen Inseln und die Philippinen nutzen das hier...
[Bild: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7fE0JKzMQj4/VM...al%2B1.jpg]
[Bild: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hpcerxpvq1I/VM...al%2B3.jpg]
[Bild: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QYGLnW8jhUg/VM...al%2B4.jpg]
[Bild: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pGO-vVQm8qE/VM...al%2B8.jpg]
Sierra Madre, ein Weltkriegs-Ära Landungsschiff Wrack.
China baut weiter...
[Bild: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QbDE0KYLTWc/VM...ds%2B2.jpg]
weitere Bilder...
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HGDGKnucTbU/VMReJkyzS2I/AAAAAAAAW_U/hDQq1svdffw/s1600/Chinese%2BLand%2Breclamation%2Bon%2BSpratly%2BIslands%2B6.jpg">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HGDGKnucTbU/V ... ds%2B6.jpg</a><!-- m -->
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mischen sich jetzt auch noch die Japaner ein?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.people.cn/n/2015/0130/c90883-8843281.html">http://en.people.cn/n/2015/0130/c90883-8843281.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Japan forces unwelcome in S.China Sea

(Global Times) 08:13, January 30, 2015 Robert Thomas, commander of the Seventh Fleet, said on Thursday that the US would welcome a Japanese extension of air patrols over the South China Sea, because "the Chinese fishing fleet, the Chinese coastguard and the [navy] overmatch their neighbors." It is rare that a top US navy officer openly called for Japan to counterbalance China in the South China Sea. By press time, there had not been an official response from either China or Japan. But, it's certain that China would be firmly against any extension of Japanese air patrols over the South China Sea. If Japan takes the plunge, it will have to face countermeasures from China.

schon interessant - eine Macht von außerhalb lädt eine weitere fremde Macht in eine Region ein, in der schon unter den unmittelbaren Nachbarn für genug Differenzen gesorgt ist.
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30 January

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Philippines: Chinese coast guard vessels harass Philippine fishing boats at Scarborough Shoals in the Spratly Archipelago (South China Sea) … ram boats, destroy fishing gear, eventually driving them away.
(rmks: within Philippine EEZ but claimed by China)
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05 February

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Philippines: China has started dredging at disputed Mischief Reef in the South China Sea’s Spratly Archipelago… may be preparing to expand its facilities in the area.

Die FAZ malt mal wieder den Teufel an die Wand:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/sicherheitskonferenz-2015/sicherheitskonferenz-droht-ein-krieg-in-asien-13399516.html">http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/sich ... 99516.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Konflikte im chinesischen Meer

Droht ein Krieg in Asien?

Noch herrscht in Asien trügerische Ruhe: Doch die Konflikte im chinesischen Meer zwischen China und weiteren Staaten können jederzeit in Kriegen münden. Sie sind jedoch nicht unabwendbar. Ein Gastbeitrag.

07.02.2015, von Ting Xu ...
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10 February

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
South China Sea: China recently discovered Lingshui 17-2 gas field … 150km south of Hainan … could yield 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas – will spur Beijing's determination to extract resources from waters claimed by several nations.

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03 MArch

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Philippines: The Philippine government has ordered all exploration at an offshore oil and gas field at Reed Bank (South China Sea) be halted as the area is subject to a UN arbitration case filed by the Philippines over China's rival claim to the territory.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/spratly-china-101.html">http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/spratly-china-101.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Streit um die Spratly-Inseln
Chinas Bagger schaffen Fakten

Stand: 05.03.2015 06:33 Uhr Die meisten der Spratly-Inseln sind eher Riffe, die kaum aus dem Wasser ragen. Dennoch beanspruchen mehrere Staaten das Gebiet - wegen der strategischen Lage und möglicher Bodenschätze. China schafft nun mit schwimmenden Baggern Tatsachen.

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09 March

South China Sea: A Chinese Navy admiral calls for radar stations and listening posts to be built on Chinese-controlled islands in the South China Sea,

South China Sea: China has begun land reclamation work on Mischief Reef, one of the easternmost features in disputed Spratly Islands.

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27 March

CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Philippines: While China itself continues massive reclamation works in the Spratly Archipelago, its foreign ministry expressed „serious concern“ and urged „immediate withdrawal from illegally occupied island“ after the Philippines said it would resume repair and reconstruction works on disputed islands.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/asien/china-schafft-inseln-im-suedchinesischen-meer-13529913.html">http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausl ... 29913.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Inseln der Macht

Mit Sand und Zement baut China auf Korallenriffen seinen Gebietsanspruch im Südchinesischen Meer aus – weit draußen vor der Küste. Bilder belegen nun, wie systematisch Peking dabei vorgeht. Der amerikanische Präsident Obama übt heftige Kritik.
10.04.2015, ....

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