Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Bushs Lieblings-Statistik völlig unbrauchbar

Die Statistik war ein Eckpfeiler im Wahlkampf von US-Präsident George W. Bush: Im vergangenen Jahr sei der Terror weltweit eingedämmt worden, hieß es im US-Terrorismusbericht für das Jahr 2003. Jetzt musste Außenminister Powell das Zahlenwerk korrigieren. Es habe nicht weniger, sondern deutlich mehr Terroranschläge gegeben.

Washington - "Es haben sich Fehler eingeschlichen, die wir ehrlich nicht bemerkt haben",...
LOOOOOOL !!! :laugh::laugh::heul::heul::laugh::laugh:
Schlafende Chinesen erschossen
"Die amtliche Pekinger Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua sprach von einem „terroristischen Angriff“ von 20 Personen." - radikale Muslime machen sich langsam die ganze Welt zu Feind. :evil:
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Zitat:In der vergangenen Woche waren in der nordwestlichen Provinz Badghis drei europäische Mitarbeiter medizinischer Hilfsorganisationen und zwei Afghanen bei einem Angriff getötet worden. Dies könnte ein Zeichen für eine Ausweitung des Untergrundkampfes der Taliban und ihrer Verbündeten vom ohnehin instabilen Süden und Osten auf den bisher eher ruhigen Norden sein.
@Shahab deine Meldung bezueglich Padilla passt zu 100% hier - war/ist AlQuaida Mitglied
udn bezueglich deinem Lacjer - manche sehn halt den Widerstand der Iraksichen Guerillia als (islamistischer) Terrorismus manche nicht Wink
ist wohl ne mischung und wirklich schwer einzuordnen

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Zitat:Scientists Say Dirty Bomb Would Be a Dud

Wed Jun 9, 1:59 PM ET Add Science - AP to My Yahoo!

By CHARLES J. HANLEY, AP Special Correspondent

NEW YORK - The "dirty bomb" allegedly planned by terror suspect Jose Padilla would have been a dud, not the radiological threat portrayed last week by federal authorities, scientists say.
At a June 1 news conference, the Justice Department (news - web sites) said the alleged al-Qaida associate hoped to attack Americans by detonating "uranium wrapped with explosives" in order to spread radioactivity.

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Zitat:Buddhist teacher killed in restive south Thailand
07 Jun 2004 12:26:11 GMT

(Adds union comment in paragraphs 7-8)

BANGKOK, June 7 (Reuters) - Two gunmen on a motorcycle shot dead a Buddhist teacher in Thailand's restive Muslim south on Monday, the latest casualty in a spate of violence which has claimed over 200 lives since January, police said.
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Zitat:Petrol bomb hurled at church
From correspondents in Jakarta
June 10, 2004
A petrol bomb has been hurled at a Roman Catholic church in the fifth attack this week on a church in Indonesia, police said today.

The attack on the Santo Yusuf church in the Sleman district of Yogyakarta city took place early on Wednesday, said a duty officer at a local police station.
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Zitat:Pakistan's Jihad-Friendly Army

By Kaushik Kapisthalam | June 10, 2004

Amidst the media hype here over the Iraq prison scandal and the Presidential election campaign, alarming developments in Pakistan have slipped under America’s radar. For starters, on May 27, 2004, Pakistan’s President Gen. Pervez Musharraf disclosed in an interview with the Pakistan based Geo-TV network that a few “low level” Pakistani Air Force and Army soldiers had conspired with a Pakistani Al Qaeda mastermind in the two attempts to assassinate him late last year.

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Zitat:Iraq anger in India's city of courtesy
By Siddharth Srivastava

NEW DELHI - Reverberations from the US-led war in Iraq are being felt in Lucknow, the capital city of Indian state Uttar Pradesh, known for nawabs (rich hereditary rulers of Mughal states), tehzeeb (culture), Mughlai cuisine and the pehle aap (you first) school of manners.

Over the past week, a spate of protests as well as statements from clerics in the city have warned British, US and Israeli citizens to stay away from the state capital. There are also fears that the demonstrations may spread to the rest of the state, with calls being made to prevent foreigners from entering the precincts of the famous Taj Mahal in Agra, 363 kilometers away from Lucknow. India's Muslims, especially Shi'ites, have reacted sharply to the clash between US forces and Shi'ite militiamen last month in which one of the most sacred shrines of the Shi'ites, the shrine of Hazrat Ali, was damaged. Muslims form a sizeable population in Lucknow, as well as in Uttar Pradesh as a whole.
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Zitat:Revere raid by terrorism task force results in one arrest
Weapons, radios among belongings
By Ralph Ranalli, Globe Staff | June 11, 2004

The FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Department of Homeland Security have joined local police in investigating a Syrian national after a search of his Revere duplex uncovered flight-simulation software, pictures of Osama bin Laden, two small-caliber weapons, police scanners, and radio-jamming equipment, law enforcement and court officials said yesterday.
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Zitat:The Washington Times
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Defying fanatacism
By Diana West
Published June 11, 2004

With the 60th anniversary of D-Day and the nearly coinciding death of Ronald Reagan, Americans have been compelled to reflect on the past, seeing rocky, bloody eras fall into the clean arc of history that appears only in a flash of hindsight.
Looking back on Nazism and communism, we see the seamless succession and demise of totalitarian threats once poised to rob the West of its liberties. In this sweeping history lesson, it becomes clearer still that the rise of Islamism -- or Islamist totalitarianism, or Islamist radicalism or Islamofascism (we haven't yet settled on a term) -- has now succeeded these vanquished foes. Whatever it is called, this ideology is now the principle menace to freedoms treasured by 21st-century Western civilization, a secular society still rooted in Judeo-Christian tradition.
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Zitat:Paris was 'apparent target' for arrested militants
June 10, 2004 - 9:11AM

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A group of suspected Islamic militants arrested in Italy and Belgium appeared to have been planning a suicide attack in Paris, said an Italian detention warrant.

The 27-page warrant includes transcribed telephone conversations in which the suspects discussed the Paris metro, security arrangements and a "martyr" referred to as Mohammed.
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Zitat:Boston Police to Search Rail Riders; Work Stops

Tue Jun 8, 2:30 PM ET Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston's transit police on Tuesday announced plans to search subway and train riders to foil a possible a terror attack while other city workers brought preparations for the Democratic National Convention to a standstill.
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Zitat:Portugal police arrest 15 at Euro 2004 city

By Reuters

LISBON - Portuguese police arrested 15 people of Arab origin on Friday in the city of Porto, site of the inaugural game of the Euro 2004 soccer championships, a police spokesman said.
The 15 were arrested in a joint operation by the Judiciary Police, an investigative body, and Portugal's Security Intelligence Service (SIS), a police spokesman in Porto said.

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Zitat:The Patriot Act Is Your Friend By Kim Zetter
Story location: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",1283,62388,00.html">,1283,62388,00.html</a><!-- m -->

02:00 AM Feb. 24, 2004 PT

Viet Dinh has been called a "political pit bull" and "a foot soldier" for Attorney General John Ashcroft. But the 36-year-old author of the Patriot Act prefers to be called an "attendant of freedom."

In May 2001, the professor of law at Georgetown University was tapped by the Justice Department to work for two years as an assistant attorney general, working primarily on judicial nominations for the department. But three months later the World Trade Center towers collapsed, and Dinh was drafted to work on the USA Patriot Act, a bill that would give the government some of its most controversial surveillance powers. The bill, coupled with the government's subsequent treatment of immigrants and native-born citizens, prompted critics to charge the administration with overthrowing "800 years of democratic tradition."

Der Irak war nur ein Teil des Fehlers bei der Erhebung der Zahlen.
Es wurde u.a. ein geringerer Erfassungszeitraum zu Grunde gelegt, zum anderen wurden, wie Du erwähnt hast, im Irak viele Anschläge nicht als "internationaler" Terrorismus gewertet. Aber komisch, sonst stufen das die Amis ja auch
immer so ein Wink
In einigen anderen Staaten wurden Terroranschläge ebenfalls auf interne Probleme zurückgeführt. ( Vermutlich u.a. Tschetschenien, Indien, Pakistan, ... )
Für mich sieht das ganz klar so aus, als wenn man diese Statistik mit aller Macht beschönigen wollte. Die Amerikaner haben in den letzten Jahren aber so ziemlich alles getan was den Terrorismus nur weiter gefördert hat. Von daher konnte denen das ohnehin keiner glauben. Lustig fand ich nur, daß ihnen die Fehler angeblich selber "ehrlich" nicht aufgefallen waren !
Naja die Amis koennen ja schlecht den Terrorismus in Kaschmir bekaempfen - und fuer Tschetschenien sind die Russen zustaendig erbenso fuer das gesperrte Thema sind auch andere zustaendig wobei bei letzterem in der Tat ein Rueckgang zu verzeichnen ist. Und beim Thema Irak kommen halt die alten Saddamanhaenger zusammen wie auch die internationle Mudschaheddin wie auch einheimische Islamisten. Anschlaege aber innerhalb der USA betraegt soweit ich weiss null...
Von daher seh ich auch keine Niederlage - udn man schaue sich die Verlustzahlen auf US Seite an - udn dann auf Seiten der Taliban, AlQuaida, irakischer Guerillia, etc....

Das sich terroristische Lage fuer die Amis verschlechtert hat wage ich zu bezweifeln - die Explosionen treffen zum grossteil die Irakis selbst - sprich der Terror findet nicht in den USA statt sondern in den Gebieten wo die Terroristen selber leben
Klar wird es auch in Zukunft Anschlaege im Westen selber geben - Madrid laesst gruessen - sind aber deutlich schwieriger geworden und die Gruppen sind zum Grossteil damit beschaeftigt mit den Alliierten vor Ort fertig zu werden. Sprich man hat den Kampf zu ihnen getragen wie es sich gehoert anstatt das man in unseren eigenen Staedten "Krieg" fuehrt
naja, im moment sieht das alles recht gut aus, aber man sollte abwarten und den tag nicht vor dem abend loben...vor dem 11. September hatte auch niemand mit solch einem anschlag gerechnet, obwohl schon viele unkenrufe gekommen waren..aber nie war was passiert und dann doch die katastrophe...

die islamisten werden sich garantiert nochmal rächen wollen für die interventionenen bei ihnen..einen krieg gegen terror kannst du nicht gewinnnen und es wird immer neue kämpfer geben, die weiterkämpfen, auch wenn erstmal etwas mehr ruhe herrscht...trügerische ruhe vor dem sturm..also abwarten und auf alles gefaßt sein..würd nicht ausschließen, dass mal bald ne schmutzige bome irgendwo hochgeht oder auch ne nette chem. Überraschung wie in Tokyo durch die Aum-Sekte 1995...also...

mit reiner gewalt kann man selten nur die probleme ganz lösen und insbesondere dann wenn die gewaltanwendung auch noch so punktuell und sporadisch ist ...:misstrauisch:
Zitat:Thomas Wach postete
naja, im moment sieht das alles recht gut aus, aber man sollte abwarten und den tag nicht vor dem abend loben...vor dem 11. September hatte auch niemand mit solch einem anschlag gerechnet, obwohl schon viele unkenrufe gekommen waren..aber nie war was passiert und dann doch die katastrophe...
Sicher - nur schwarzmalerei bringt auch nix - man muss es realitisch sehn - vollkommen sicherheit wirds nie geben.

Zitat:trügerische ruhe vor dem sturm..also abwarten und auf alles gefaßt sein..würd nicht ausschließen, dass mal bald ne schmutzige bome irgendwo hochgeht oder auch ne nette chem. Überraschung wie in Tokyo durch die Aum-Sekte 1995...also...
Och bei entsprechend hohen Opferzahlen wird man halt auch entsprechend antworten - es ist immernoch Nato-policy einen Angriff mit B und C Waffen mit einem Angriff mit A Waffen gleichzusetzen und dann entsprechend zu kontern...

Zitat:die islamisten werden sich garantiert nochmal rächen wollen für die interventionenen bei ihnen..einen krieg gegen terror kannst du nicht gewinnnen und es wird immer neue kämpfer geben, die weiterkämpfen, auch wenn erstmal etwas mehr ruhe herrscht...

mit reiner gewalt kann man selten nur die probleme ganz lösen und insbesondere dann wenn die gewaltanwendung auch noch so punktuell und sporadisch ist ...:misstrauisch:
Die Action Directe wurde auch nicht mit Entwicklungshilfe besiegt oder Sozialprogrammen - sondern mit Gewalt bzw Sondertribunalen/-Gerichten und Todesstrafe, die RAF hat auch geblutet (und Rasterfahndung laesst auch gruessen) - Bad Kleinen....
Der "bedauerliche Selbstmord" da z.B. (oder wars doch Notwehr? *g*) :evil: :evil: :evil:
Und die Roten Brigaden in Italien lassen auch nicht mehr von sich hoeren....
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Terroristen drohen mit "blutigem und furchtbarem" Jahr

Gezielt liquidieren Terroristen kurz vor der Machtübergabe hochrangige Politiker in Bagdad: Am frühen Morgen wurde erneut ein Regierungsmitglied ermordet. Al-Qaida hat sich zu den jüngsten Anschlägen auf US-Bürger in Saudi-Arabien bekannt und will damit die Misshandlungen im Folterknast Abu Ghureib rächen.
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Zitat:Audiotape charges U.S. doesn't want Arab reforms
Voice on tape claims to be bin Laden's chief deputy
From Caroline Faraj
Friday, June 11, 2004 Posted: 6:21 PM EDT (2221 GMT)

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- In an audiotape broadcast Friday on the Arabic-language television network Al-Arabiya, a man claims to be al Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and charges that Americans don't want democracy and freedom in the Arab world
Klar der einzige Kaempfer fuer Demokratie und Menschenrechte in der Region ist Al Quaida :evil: :evil:

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Zitat:Soldier dies in Philippines blast
From CNN Correspondent Maria Ressa

MANILA, Philippines (CNN) -- A soldier was killed and two other people wounded when a bomb exploded outside a restaurant Saturday in Zamboanga, authorities said.

The explosion came as the soldier was trying to defuse the device in front of the Honey Bee restaurant.
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Zitat:Ten al-Qaida suspects arrested in Pakistan, including nephew of bin Laden aide

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) - Pakistani authorities have arrested 10 suspected al-Qaida members, including a nephew of detained terror mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who has been in U.S. custody the past year, the interior minister said Sunday. Mohammed was a senior aide to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.
Nachschub fuer Gitmo :evil:

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Zitat:Extremists Using Web to Spread Terror

Sun Jun 13, 1:35 PM ET

SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press Writer

MANAMA, Bahrain - Web sites featuring videos of the beheading of Americans or captives pleading for their lives have become part of an electronic war of incitement, humiliation and terrorist outreach, experts say, providing a window into the minds of militant Muslims who hate the West.
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Zitat:Militants 'planning Brussels bomb'

10 June 2004

BRUSSELS – A group of alleged Islamic fundamentalist militants arrested in Belgium and Italy earlier this week may have been plotting to blow up Nato headquarters or the European Parliament, both of which are housed in Brussels.
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Zitat:Ex-Policeman Killed, Camp Attacked in Thai South
Sun Jun 13, 2004 07:19 AM ET
By Nopporn Wong-Anan
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Gunmen killed a Buddhist former policeman and fired three grenades into an army outpost in two separate incidents in Thailand's restive Muslim south, police said on Sunday.

The attacks came hours after Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra vowed to restore peace in a month in the troubled region where more than 200 people have been killed since January.
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Zitat:How America can win
the intelligence war

Departed US Central Intelligence Agency director George Tenet tried to ascertain whether available intelligence justified a war, I observed last week. The late president Ronald Reagan's CIA chief, Bill Casey, knew that if you want intelligence, first you start a war.

If you ask the wrong question, you will get the wrong answer. Reagan's people had the courage to ask the right question to begin with, namely whether the Soviet system could keep pace with America's drive for strategic superiority. The diplomatic and academic establishment asked the wrong question, that is, how detente might be perpetuated with a seemingly eternal Russian empire. Was communism merely a somewhat obstreperous partner, or an enemy to be defeated?
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Zitat:Somalian Charged With Plotting To Blow Up Columbus-Area Mall
Abdi Allegedly Received Bomb-Making Training

POSTED: 11:21 am EDT June 14, 2004
UPDATED: 7:15 pm EDT June 14, 2004

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Federal authorities said Monday that they have charged a man from Somalia with plotting to blow up a Columbus-area shopping mall.
According to the FBI, Nuradin M. Abdi (pictured, left), a 32-year-old Somali national, was indicted and charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaida, and two counts of fraud and misuse of government documents.
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Zitat:French Anti-Terror Police Make Arrests

1 hour, 48 minutes ago

By PIERRE-ANTOINE SOUCHARD, Associated Press Writer

PARIS - French anti-terror police arrested 14 people, including a Muslim prayer leader, and seized guns in raids Tuesday of suspected Islamic militants in the Paris region, police said.

Police said the suspects were thought to have been involved in forging official papers. Blank documents and plastic laminating materials were found in the sweep.
Those taken into custody included at least one prayer leader, or imam, and some of his followers, police said.
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Zitat:French police in anti-terror raids
PARIS, France -- French anti-terror police have arrested 12 men in Paris under anti-terrorism laws, authorities say.

Court spokeswoman Maryvonne Caillebot said Tuesday the 12 would be held in custody for four days while the charges were assessed.
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Zitat:Algerian Islamic rebels declare war on foreigners
13 Jun 2004 13:55:11 GMT

ALGIERS, June 13 (Reuters) - Algeria's leading Islamic militant group, which has ties to al Qaeda, has declared war on foreign people and companies in the oil-rich north African country, an Islamic website said on Sunday.

The "foreigners war statement" appeared shortly after the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) claimed responsibility for killing more than a dozen soldiers in an apparent escalation of violence in the strife-torn country.
Hier ein Video aus Algerien:
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Und die Uebersetzung dazu:
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Zitat:TIDES World Press Reports

Exclusive Translation of:

Video of Algerian Salafist Abu-Ibrahim Mustafa's May 2004 address "A Word that has to be said"

This translation is by the National Virtual Translation Center (NVTC) and made possible by DARPA’s eTIRR (“enhanced TIDES Iraq Reconstruction Report”) research effort. TIDES World Press Reports participation in this effort is sponsored by the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) and the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR). Use of this material does not reflect official endorsement. The opinions expressed in this document do not reflect the opinion of DARPA, CNRI, or of the U.S. Government. This report may be freely redistributed without prior permission; however, reproduction in whole or in part for private use or gain is prohibited.

Editor's note: This video contains a message from the Amir of Al-Jama’ah Al-Salafiyyah Li-al-Da’wah Wa-al-Qital (from the Leader of the Salafi Group for spreading the faith and fighting), Abu-Ibrahim Mustafa, titled: "A Word That Has to be Said".

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Zitat:nation In Brief
Sentences handed down in 'Virginia jihad' case

June 16, 2004

Alexandria, Va. -- A Maryland man convicted of traveling to Pakistan and seeking to fight with the Taliban against the United States just days after 9/11 was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison.

Masoud Khan was one of three people sentenced Tuesday on charges they trained for holy war against the United States by playing paintball games in the Virginia woods as part of a "jihad" network.

A second suspect, Seifullah Chapman, was sentenced to 85 years in prison, and a third, Hammad Abdur-Raheem, was given eight years.
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Zitat:Tehran won't extradite its 'few' Al-Qaeda detainees to US: official

VIENNA, June 16 (AFP) - Iran is holding "a few" Al-Qaeda members whom it will not extradite to the United States, a member of Iran's Supreme National Security Council said in Vienna on Wednesday.

"There are a few members of Al-Qaeda who had been plotting against the national security of Iran because of terror activities inside of Iran. That is why they are under questioning," Seyed Hossein Mussavian told reporters on the sidelines of a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in the Austrian capital.

"The process is going on: first of all, the questioning should be finalized and then they should be put on trial," he said. "They are not ordinary members but middle-class members of Al-Qaeda. They are kept in prison," he said, adding: "If and when Iran decides to deliver these people, it will be to their own countries and not to the USA."

On Saturday in Tehran, Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi said his country had given Saudi Arabia some "useful" information concerning members of Osama bin Laden's network it is detaining.
@ Merowig

jetzt wird mir klar wie du knapp 3500 Postings zusammenkriegen konntest, du stellst einfach fleißig allerlei Meldungen und Mutmaßungen(?) der weltweiten Presse hier rein ...

Das sollt ich vielleicht auch mal tun :baeh:
@Timurlan Wink

wirst hier nicht 3500 Postings von mir finden - hatte schon ne nennenswerte Anzahl im alten Forum, einige Postings/threads wurden von mir geloescht was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann *scnr* und beinhalten meine posts auch oft genug die widergabe meiner eigenen Meinung - im Gegensatz zu anderen Wink

achja frag mal jacks wie er zu seiner Postinganzahl kam :ppp

und was sind an Verhaftungen den Mutmassungen - da hoert man viel mehr davon bezueglich iranischen Waffensystenm oder tuerkischen Interkontinentalraketen *ggg* Wink
Wenn andere hier Nachrichten posten wie toll der Iran oder die Tuerkei ist dann kann nich mich auch nicht zurueckhalten Wink

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Zitat:Suspected terrorist in FBI custody
From Kelli Arena
Wednesday, June 16, 2004 Posted: 4:38 PM EDT (2038 GMT
(CNN) -- The FBI has had in custody since April a Pakistani-American who is believed linked to al Qaeda and who allegedly participated in plots to attack Americans overseas, law enforcement sources said.
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A military court in Jordan has convicted 15 men of plotting terror attacks against American and Israeli interests.
The al Qaeda-linked group was also found guilty of planning a terror conspiracy against Jordanian intelligence personnel.
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Zitat:Mullah Krekar convicted of terrorism in Jordan
A military tribunal in Jordan convicted 15 men - nine living and six presumed dead - as accessories to terrorism and connections to the al-Qaida network. A report from French news agency AFP named one of the convicted as Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, who is better known as Mullah Krekar.
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Zitat:America's Insane Asylum for Terrorists
By Michelle Malkin | June 17, 2004

Do you know how the alleged "shopping-mall" bomber entered our country? He didn't cross the border illegally. He didn't sneak in on a ship. He came through the front door at America's invitation.

Nuradin M. Abdi, who was indicted last week for plotting with al Qaeda to blow up an Ohio shopping mall, flew here from Somalia and received bogus "refugee" status in 1999, according to authorities. Prosecutors allege that Abdi then fraudulently obtained a refugee travel document, which he used to fly to Ethiopia for jihad training. After returning, Abdi blended back into the American landscape along with tens of thousands of other refugees from a country known to be a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists. Columbus, Abdi's home base, is home to more than 30,000 Somalis -- the second-largest Somali community in the United States, after Minneapolis.
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Zitat:Army chief likens Islamic extremist threat to cancer
Pentagon-AP -- The Army's top general says America's previous conflicts were like "pneumonia" -- but he says the latest conflict is like "cancer."

Speaking to reporters today, General Peter Schoomaker compared the global war on terrorism with fighting cancer. And he says the threat from Islamic militants who want to destroy the United States is "never going to go away in our lifetime."
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Zitat:Web sends call for jihad round the globe in moments
By Mark Huband
Published: June 17 2004 5:00 | Last Updated: June 17 2004 5:00

When internet users visited a site called in January this year, its content aroused little concern. Apparently without reason it then changed its name to, then to, though without attracting attention.
Then on May 12 a site called, operated by the same subscriber, broadcast the beheading of Nick Berg.

Zitat:Wenn andere hier Nachrichten posten wie toll der Iran oder die Tuerkei ist dann kann nich mich auch nicht zurueckhalten
Also ich bin da unschuldig. Halte nicht viel von Propaganda und eigentlich glaubte ich, dass ich davon etwas bei den Forumsregeln gelesen hätte Wink
Aber was weiß ich schon :rofl:
Man sollte wohl dennoch nicht die Verfehlungen anderer als Grund angeben, wieso man sich selber der 'Propagandamache' schuldig macht Big Grin

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