Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:U.S. Agency Sees Global Network for Bomb Making

Published: February 22, 2004

WASHINGTON, Feb. 21 — Government forensic investigators examining how terrorists manufacture improvised explosives have found indications of a global bomb-making network, and have concluded that Islamic militant bomb builders have used the same designs for car bombs in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, government officials said this week.
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Auffallend unauffällig

Woran erkennt man einen islamistischen Terroristen? Anhand von 20 Punkten eines "Verdachtschöpfungs-Rasters" sollen Streifenpolizisten feststellen, ob sie es mit einem möglichen Attentäter zu tun haben. Nun rollt die neue Rasterfahndung an.

Zitat:Wenn ein junger Tunesier in einem Elektronikmarkt einen Flugsimulator kauft und auch noch fragt, ob der wie im wirklichen Leben arbeitet, dann funktionieren alle Sicherheits-Reflexe.

Die Polizei kommt, der Staatsschutz prüft, der Verfassungsschutz schaut, ob er etwas über den Mann in den Akten hat. Doch so schnell der Reflex anspringt, so sehr kann er trügen: Der Tunesier, der da im November vergangenen Jahres in München einen Flugsimulator kaufen wollte, war nur einsam und wollte sich die Zeit vertreiben.

Für die deutschen Sicherheitsexperten ist ziemlich klar: „Die wirklich Gefährlichen tragen keinen Turban, keinen langen Bart und sie fletschen auch nicht die Zähne.“ Deshalb sollen die Polizisten bundesweit nun nach anderen Anzeichen Ausschau halten.

Bund und Länder haben Ende 2003 beschlossen, dass sie ihre Erkenntnisse über das Vorgehen von möglichen islamistischen Tätern zu einem „Verdachtschöpfungs-Raster“ verdichten.

Anhand von 20 Punkten, alle als „VS – nur für den Dienstgebrauch“ klassifiziert, sollen die Streifenpolizisten erkennen, ob sie es mit einem möglichen „Gefährder“ zu tun haben. Nun rollt diese neue Rasterfahndung an.

Sie soll die herkömmliche Sichtweise der Fahnder durchbrechen. „Wer anständig angezogen ist, kann kein böser Mensch sein, das denken viele“, sagt ein Münchner Ermittler. „Da müssen wir die Kollegen sensibilisieren.“
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Zitat:Alleged traitor's Saudi influence
By Joel Mowbray

Are we continuing to ignore a troubling pattern at our own peril?
To those who worry about the extremism that Saudi influence can foster here in the United States, the joint Muslim community at Washington State University and the University of Idaho — just nine miles apart — might provide a classic case study.
It also happened to be the home of detained National Guardsman Ryan Anderson, aka Amir Talhah, when he converted to Islam five years ago.
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Zitat:Saffuri's Ties to Terror Suspects
By Kenneth R. Timmerman
The rise of Khaled Saffuri to political prominence within the U.S. Muslim community has all the ingredients of a Horatio Alger success story. Brought up as a stateless exile in Kuwait, Saffuri came to America as a student in 1982, went to college in San Diego, and soon gravitated into the world of Muslim activism.
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Zitat:C.I.A. Was Given Data on Hijacker Long Before 9/11

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 — American investigators were given the first name and telephone number of one of the Sept. 11 hijackers two and a half years before the attacks on New York and Washington, but the United States appears to have failed to pursue the lead aggressively, American and German officials say.
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Zitat:Purported al-Qaida Audiotape Taunts Bush
By SARAH EL DEEB, Associated Press Writer

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Two audiotapes purportedly of Osama bin Laden (news - web sites)'s top lieutenant were broadcast on Arabic TV stations Tuesday, one taunting President Bush (news - web sites) and threatening more attacks on the United States, the other criticizing France's decision to ban Islamic headscarves in schools.
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SITE Institute

SITE Institute,2/24/2004 - The 11th issue of the al-Qaeda biweekly “Sawt al-Jihad” [Voice of Jihad] online magazine has been released. In this issue, we find three main points of emphasis:

This issue places great emphasis on propaganda, especially through the internet. Time and again, the magazine states that one of the great successes of the mujahideen in the past year was managing to spread their ideas and mobilize public support, despite the Saudi regime’s effort to stop them. In this context, the new Al-Qaeda video entitled “Badr Al-Riyadh” is referred to at length, with great emphasis on its impact. This video, we learn, has set the stage for a new phase, in which people will move from passively supporting the mujahideen to actively joining them in their holy war against the infidels.
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Zitat:Tenet: al-Qaida Weakened, Extremism Isn't

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Al-Qaida is damaged seriously, but it has spread its radical agenda to other groups that now pose the leading threat to the United States, CIA Director George Tenet and other intelligence chiefs said.
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Zitat:Terror attack in Britain 'inevitable'
From correspondents in London
A TERRORIST attack in Britain was inevitable, British Home Secretary David Blunkett said.

Security measures alone were not sufficient to stop the threat, he said. Asked if such an attack was a question of "when, not if", Blunkett told BBC television: "Yes, it's the view that's been expressed by the head of the (home) security service", Eliza Manningham-Buller.
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Zitat:Islamic teacher jailed for hiding Bali bomber

Jakarta - An Indonesian court on Wednesday sentenced an Islamic teacher, believed to have been a leader of the most feared militant group in South-east Asia, to three years in jail for hiding one of the Bali bombers.
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Zitat:A blueprint for jihad, or a red herring?
| By Najla Al Rostamani, Head of Gulf News Research Centre | 26-02-2004
Print friendly format | Email to Friend

The London-based daily Al Hayat recently published a letter allegedly written by Abu Musab Al Zarqawi, America's most sought after man in Iraq due to his connections with Al Qaida.
The US has placed a reward of $10 million on his capture.
If true, the letter provides invaluable insight into the workings of a terrorist's mind. Its publication has stirred much debate and received wide condemnation - as well as scepticism - from Arab writers and intellectuals.
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Zitat:Terror suspects arrested in Italy
Italian police have arrested three North Africans suspected of plotting to bomb Milan's metro and a cathedral in the north of the country.
Arrest warrants had been issued for five men from Morocco and Tunisia, who served as Muslim religious leaders in the city of Cremona.
Another ex-imam of the Cremona mosque was arrested last October, after being accused by Morocco of links to the suicide bombings in Casablanca that killed 45 people in May.
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Zitat:Al Qaeda Builds a Euro Army

From DEBKA-Net-Weekly Feb. 20 Updated by DEBKAfile
February 25, 2004, 3:10 PM (GMT+02:00)

Warnings of al Qaeda’s continuing threat came Tuesday, February 24, from Washington and London as well as one of its top leaders. Addressing the Senate intelligence committee, CIA director George Tenet spoke of the spread of al Qaeda’s radical agenda to local groups who now threaten the United States and are capable of 9/11 scale attacks.
British interior secretary David Blunkett, announcing new stringent measures to combat terror, said a terrorist attack on Britain was “inevitable.”
Pointing up these statements, Osama bin Laden’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri gave not one but two signs that his group was still after “Crusader” blood.
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Zitat:Religious clash in Nigeria leaves at least 48 dead

LAGOS (AP) - Suspected Muslim militants armed with guns and bows and arrows killed at least 48 people in an attack on a farming village in central Nigeria. Most of the victims died as they sought refuge in a church, police said.
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Zitat:Muslim Missionaries Recruiting Africans For Holy War

PEMBA, Tanzania -- Muslim missionaries from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan have been visiting mosques in East Africa to recruit young men for holy war.
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Zitat:Two Detained in Paris for Terror Ties
Fri Feb 27, 4:26 PM ET


PARIS - Anti-terrorism judges placed two Paris pizzeria workers under investigation Friday in a probe into radical Islamic training camps set up in France during the 1990s, judicial officials said.

Mustapha Boussaffa of Tunisia and Hazdine Sayeh, a French-Algerian, were being investigated for "criminal association with a terrorist enterprise," the officials said on condition of anonymity. In France, being placed under investigation is one step short of formal charges.
Es ist nichts neues, daß es auch in Afrika Islamisten gibt. Zwei oder drei hochrangige Mitglieder von Al Kaida kommen aus Ostafrika, einer davon von Sansibar. Allerdings soll bereits einer dieser afrikanischen Al Kaida-Führer bei einem Fährunglück in Afrika ums Leben gekommen sein.
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Zitat:Saudis on alert for Al Qaida attack on oil facilities

Saudi Arabia has bolstered its forces in the Eastern Province after an alert of an Al Qaida attack on the kingdom's oil fields and nearby Shi'ite communities.
waere aber etwas kurzsichtig von denen wenn sie ihre Geldquelle zerbomben wuerden *g*

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Zitat:U.S. troops to silence terrorist threats in Africa
Associated Press

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The United States is scaling up its military presence in Africa as concern mounts over terrorist threats - both immediate and future - on the continent, the deputy head of American forces in Europe said Friday.
Achja wer nun wirklich hinter den Attentaten des 11.9 steckt verraet uns der gleiche Iman der mit seiner Aborigines = Afghanen Theorie schon bekannt wurde *g*

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Zitat:September 11 is God's work: Mufti
By Kerry-Anne Walsh, Political Correspondent
February 29, 2004

The powerful leader of Australia's 300,000 Muslims, Sheik Taj el-Din Al Hilaly, has praised the September 11 terrorist attacks as "God's work".
Declaring there was a "war on infidels" around the world, the Mufti praised the boy who, "despite his mother's objections", went to war to become a martyr.
Tjo die Pakistanis scheinen auch nichts gegen die beruehmt beruechtigten Madrassen unternehmen zu wollen... dafuer gibts mal wieder eine internationale Verschwoerung gegen Pakistan....
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Zitat:Madaras play vital role for promoting Islam: Sheikh Rashid

RAWALPINDI, : Minister for Information and Broadcasting Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has lauded the role of Madaras in the promotion of Islam.
He rejected the impression that Pakistan is a terrorist country and its Madaras are promoting terrorism and said that our Madaras are the biggest NGOs, they are not promoting terrorism, but work to safe guard Islam.
Earlier Syed Charaj Din Shah, Pir Naqeebur Rehman, Rehat Masoodi Qadusi and Ghazanfar Mehdi while addressing the Conference urged the need for creating unity in the ranks and files of Pakistani people to counter the international conspiracies against Pakistan.
Auch ein interessanter Artikel
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By Yamin Zakaria
Jihad versus State Terrorism

ONE of the defining and a peculiar characteristic of a secular society is the absolute denunciation of any form of relationship between the use of force and religion, no matter how tenuous the link. Yet, organised violence inflicted by secular states; the West in particular is tolerated, justified and often encouraged.
Offensive Jihad

The Islamic state reserves the right to use military force against foreign states that engage in persecuting Muslims or, preventing the spread of Islam within their lands.
Frag mich ob das Kopftuchverbot an oeffentlichen Schulen in Frankreich eines Tages zum Kriegsgrund wird :bonk:

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Zitat:Hambali among nine charged in Cambodia
Court spells out the charges against him and three others midway through trial of five for allegedly planning terror attacks

PHNOM PENH - Asia's top terror suspect, Hambali, and eight other alleged Muslim militants were charged yesterday with attempted murder in an unspecified terrorist plot to bomb targets in Cambodia.
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Zitat:Abu Sayyaf Claims Responsibility for Ferry Blast

MARIVELES, Philippines — The Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf (search) claimed responsibility Sunday for a ferry explosion and fire that killed at least two people, though 180 more were missing, according to a radio report.
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Zitat:Two Abu Sayyaf leaders sentenced to life in jail for kidnapping American

MANILA : Two senior members of the Al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf militant gang were jailed for life by a court in the Philippines on Friday for the 2000 kidnapping of an American national.
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Zitat:American and British forces have launched a dramatic new effort to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and other senior al-Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan.

SAS detachments will join thousands of US troops - including a 'super-secret' special forces unit transferred from Iraq - and contingents of Afghan soldiers in a huge sweep of mountainous border areas where the terrorists are believed to be hiding.
(PAP Meldung 1.03.2004)
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Zitat:Übersetzung: Da Russland schon seit längerm seine Bürger von den USA gefordert hatte, haben die USA am Samstag 7 Guantanamo-Gefangene an Russland abgeschoben. Die russische Staatsanwaltschaft hat bekanntgegeben, dass unter den Gefangenen befinden sich auch Personen aus Tatarstan wo sie die muslimische Mehrheit bilden.
Wenn man die russischen Gefängnisse und die "spezielle Fürsorge" der Russen kennt, dann wäre es nicht verwunderlich, dass diese Gefangenen sich nach Guantanamo noch sehnen werden. Vielleicht können sie ein Asylantrag zurück nach Guantanamo stellenBig Grin:evil:
@Alexander - also ich wuerd den Asylantrag ablehnen - vorallem wuerden die hoechstwahrscheinlich TBC ausm russischen Knast mitbringen :evil:
Finde die sind da besser aufgehoben als auf Gitmo *g*
Welcher Knacki braucht schon warmes Klima wenn man ne feuchte kalte Zelle mit aeusserst freundlichen Waertern irgendwo in Russlands Sibirien haben kann. Interessiert dann auch die Weltoeffentlichkeit ploetzlich nicht mehr :daumen:

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Zitat:Police officer slain in latest attack in South Thailand

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - An unidentified gunman fatally shot a police officer Monday in Thailand's restive south, the latest in a string of deadly attacks in the country's Muslim-dominated provinces this year, a police spokesman said.
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Zitat:Philippines deports
2 US nationals
Posted: 2:26 PM (Manila Time) | Mar. 01, 2004
Agence France-Presse

THE PHILIPPINES has deported two US citizens arrested last year on suspicion of links to Muslim separatist groups, the immigration bureau said Monday.

Brothers Michael Ray Stubbs, 55, and Jamil Daud Mujahid, 56, were turned over Saturday to American marshals who escorted them back to the United States.
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Zitat:More Mosques in France Falling Under Sway of Radicals
By Eva Cahen Correspondent
March 01, 2004

Paris ( - French officials have noted an increase in Islamic radicals taking over Paris area mosques in the last year, with 32 mosques now under the control of extremists.

According to a study by undercover police forces, the number of radical mosques has increased by 10 in the last year. Officials say there are a total of 373 mosques or prayer groups in Paris and its suburban areas.
Some Salafist radicals are believed to be linked to al-Qaeda and other terror groups and the increase of radical-controlled mosques is regarded as a threat to security in France and Europe.
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Canada admits:
We're terror haven
22-page intelligence report says 'most notorious' groups still flock to nation

The world's "most notorious" terrorist groups continue to operate in Canada, says a classified intelligence report written two years after Parliament gave police new powers and money to dismantle the country's deadly terror networks, reports the National Post.

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Zitat:Game’s up for JI leader disguised as burger seller

KUALA LUMPUR: One of Malaysia’s most wanted Jemaah Islamiah (JI) leaders, Amran @ Henry Mansor, has been arrested in Solo, Indonesia, while operating a burger stall near his hideout.
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Al-Qaeda-Anführer in Jemen festgenommen

Einer der ranghöchsten Anführer des Al-Qaeda-Terrornetzwerks in Jemen ist verhaftet worden. Zugleich fassten die Sicherheitskräfte ein Dutzend weiterer islamischer Extremisten.

Zitat:Jemenitische Sicherheitskräfte haben am Mittwochabend einen der ranghöchsten Anführer des Terrornetzwerks Al Qaeda in dem arabischen Land festgenommen. Der Mann namens Abdul Rauf Nassib sei bei einer Polizeiaktion in der Region Lauder in der südlichen Provinz Abian gestellt worden, meldete die Nachrichtenagentur AFP.
Insgesamt hätten Sicherheitskräfte mit Hubschraubern und gepanzerten Fahrzeugen «rund ein Dutzend» islamische Extremisten in der Region gestellt. Nasib wurde von der Polizei in Jemen und dem FBI gesucht.

Nasib überlebte CIA-Anschlag 2002

Er soll im November 2002 einen CIA-Anschlag überlebt haben, bei dem Kaid Salim Sinan el Harethi getötet wurde, der als Statthalter von Al-Qaeda-Chef Osama bin Laden in Jemen galt. Nasib wird vorgeworfen, die Befreiung von zehn Extremisten aus einem Gefängnis in Aden im April 2003 geplant zu haben.
Die Männer befinden sich wegen ihrer Beteiligung an dem Anschlag auf die «USS Cole» in Haft. Bei der Attacke auf das amerikanische Kriegsschiff Explosion im Oktober 2000 waren 17 US-Soldaten getötet worden. (nz)

Nun ja der islamische Terrorismus muss bekämpft werden.
Da sind Urteile wie das in Hamburg eher kontraproduktiv.
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Zitat:Australia toughens anti-terrorism laws

CANBERRA: Australia will be able to slap instant bans on “terror groups” not listed by the United Nations Security Council and without parliament's approval after the main opposition party yesterday dropped two years of resistance.
The new powers will allow Attorney-General Philip Ruddock to immediately issue bans if needed.
na toll - sowas kann auch nur in deutschland passieren - hier kriegen vergewaltiger Bewaehrungsstrafen - dann kann man auch Terroristen frei rumlaufen lassen...

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Zitat:German 9-11 Conviction Overturned
KARLSRUHE, Germany, March 4, 2004

(AP) A German court on Thursday overturned the world's only conviction for the Sept. 11 attacks and ordered a retrial for a Moroccan found guilty last year of aiding the Hamburg cell of suicide hijackers.
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Zitat:Yemen reports arrest of leading al-Qaida member
By AHMED AL-HAJ, Associated Press

(Updated Thursday, March 4, 2004, 5:14 AM)
ABYAN, Yemen (AP) - Security forces have arrested a leading al-Qaida member in their pursuit of militants in the south Yemeni mountains, security officials said Thursday.
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(Buffalo-AP) -- Five men were convicted of federal charges for their role in a multi-state ring trafficking in untaxed cigarettes. U.S. Attorney Michael Battle says the men were found guilty Wednesday after a three-and-a-half week trial before Chief District Judge Richard Arcara in Buffalo and five days of jury deliberations.
Prosecutors say Ahmed provided about $14,000 to five of the so-called Lackawanna Six so they could travel to Afghanistan and train at an al-Qaeda terrorist training camp.
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Zitat:Two in San Diego plead guilty in plot to sell anti-aircraft missiles to terrorists

By Seth Hettena
4:19 p.m. March 3, 2004

SAN DIEGO – Two defendants admitted their roles Wednesday in a plot to sell Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, authorities said.
Ilyas Ali, a naturalized U.S. citizen born in India, and Muhamed Abid Afridi of Pakistan pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorists and conspiracy to distribute heroin and hashish, according to the U.S. Attorney's office.
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Zitat:'Paintball Terrorists' Convicted of Conspiracy

Thursday, March 04, 2004

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Three American Muslims accused of using paintball games to train for holy war were found guilty of conspiracy charges on Thursday.
Prosecutors said the three were part of a "Virginia jihad network" that underwent paramilitary training in 2000 and 2001 in hopes of joining up with the Taliban (search). After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the group allegedly focused efforts on defending the former Afghan regime.
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Zitat:Merowig postete
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Zitat:Australia toughens anti-terrorism laws

CANBERRA: Australia will be able to slap instant bans on “terror groups” not listed by the United Nations Security Council and without parliament's approval after the main opposition party yesterday dropped two years of resistance.
The new powers will allow Attorney-General Philip Ruddock to immediately issue bans if needed.
na toll - sowas kann auch nur in deutschland passieren - hier kriegen vergewaltiger Bewaehrungsstrafen - dann kann man auch Terroristen frei rumlaufen lassen...
Wie kann man nur Leute, von denen gar nicht erwiesen ist, dass sie tatsächlich Terroristen sind, einsperren wollen?

Solche Forderungen sind, streng genommen, verfassungsfeindlich.>Sad
Zitat:DrTemp postete
Wie kann man nur Leute, von denen gar nicht erwiesen ist, dass sie tatsächlich Terroristen sind, einsperren wollen?

Solche Forderungen sind, streng genommen, verfassungsfeindlich.>Sad
Erwiesen ist relativ - dereine kam raus aufgrund einer fragwuerdigen Aussage von nem Kumpel - der meiner Meinung nach den nur decken will - udn das nennst du erwiesen - fragwuerdige Zeugenaussagen kommennicht selten vor deutschen Gerichten vor....
Achja die Aussage wurde nichtmal vor nem Gericht getaetigt - kommt aus irgendwelchen Vernehmungsprotokollen....
Zitat:Merowig postete
Zitat:DrTemp postete
Wie kann man nur Leute, von denen gar nicht erwiesen ist, dass sie tatsächlich Terroristen sind, einsperren wollen?

Solche Forderungen sind, streng genommen, verfassungsfeindlich.>Sad
Erwiesen ist relativ - dereine kam raus aufgrund einer fragwuerdigen Aussage von nem Kumpel - der meiner Meinung nach den nur decken will - udn das nennst du erwiesen - fragwuerdige Zeugenaussagen kommennicht selten vor deutschen Gerichten vor....
Achja die Aussage wurde nichtmal vor nem Gericht getaetigt - kommt aus irgendwelchen Vernehmungsprotokollen....
Du meinst also, die rechtliche Würdigung der Zusammenhänge und Beweismaterialien besser vornehmen zu können als die Profis?

Oder möchtest Du einfach aus politischen Gründen, dass die fraglichen Personen schuldig sind? Mit sowas bitte ich doch sehr, sehr vorsichtig zu sein.

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