Islamistischer Terrorismus
Unser glaubwürdige Zeuge ist ein Schwätzer und in Geheimdienstkreisen gibt man laut aktuellem "Spiegel" kein Pfifferling auf ihn.Es stehen wohl finanzielle Interessen hinter seiner Aussage.Selbst für den CIA gibt es da keine Verbindung zwischen den islamischen Revolutionären im Iran und den sunnitischen Milizen in Afghanistan die eher verfeindet sind seit den Ausschreitung gegen iranische Diplomaten.Die Aussagen sind so wahr wie die Fähigkeit des Iraks WMD in 40 Minuten einzusetzen.:rofl:
hat der Richter zu entscheiden.

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Zitat:Guantanamo Bay Drill Focuses on al-Qaida
41 minutes ago

By IAN JAMES, Associated Press Writer

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba - Firing heavy machine-guns and mortars, U.S. soldiers practiced repulsing a commando attack Saturday at the maximum-security prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay.
Soviel zum Vorwurf das denen nicht de rProzes gemacht wird.
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Zitat:Australian in Guantanamo May Get Trial
Sat Jan 31,11:54 AM ET

CANBERRA, Australia - An Australian detained at U.S. military base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on suspicion of terror activities was expected to be among the next group of prisoners to face an American military court, Australia's justice minister said Saturday.
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Zitat:Panel Reveals U.S. Missteps Ahead of 9/11
Sat Jan 31, 7:31 AM ET Add U.S. Government - AP to My Yahoo!

By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - At a two-day hearing this week, the federal commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks revealed U.S. authorities had numerous opportunities to stop the hijackers, including many face-to-face encounters.
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Zitat:Eight Flights Between Europe and U.S. Canceled

Saturday, January 31, 2004

NEW YORK — Just one day after U.S. officials expressed renewed security concerns over flights bound for the U.S., major airlines cancelled eight trips from Europe to America Saturday.
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Hinweise auf geplanten Biowaffen-Anschlag der al-Qaida

US-Geheimdienste haben Informationen erhalten, dass al-Qaida-Terroristen einen Anschlag mit Pocken-, Milzbrand-Viren oder chemischen Kampfstoffen auf ein Flugzeug planen, berichtet die "Washington Times". Die Erkenntnisse seien der Grund dafür, dass für die kommenden Tage bereits zehn Flüge zwischen den USA und Europa gestrichen wurden.
Entweder arbeiten die Geheimdienste sehr gut oder die Warnungen dienen nur dazu, daß allgemeine Angstlevel hochzuhalten.
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Orientexperte Lewis: Was tun die Muslime dem Islam an?

02. Februar 2004 Die islamische Welt bestimmt die Schlagzeilen der westlichen Medien - zumeist mit negativen Nachrichten. Der Irak-Krieg hat das Ende Saddam Husseins bewirkt, aber neue Probleme hervorgerufen. „Ein Großteil des Terrors im Irak kommt aus den umliegenden Staaten, die in einem demokratischen Irak eine Gefahr für ihre repressiven Systeme sehen“, sagt der Orientexperte Bernard Lewis im Gespräch mit FAZ.NET.

Zitat:Aber der Irak hat Jahrzehnte der Diktatur hinter sich...

Wenn es um die Demokratisierung des Irak geht, werden viele Zweifel und Ängste laut. In den Vereinigten Staaten und in Europa zweifelt man, daß es möglich sei. Im Nahen Osten dagegen fürchtet man, daß es möglich ist. Ein wirklich freie Gesellschaft im Irak wäre eine tödliche Bedrohung für die schäbigen Tyrannen, die im Nahen Osten herrschen. Ein Großteil des Terrors im Irak kommt aus diesen Nachbarstaaten, die an einer Fortsetzung von Diktatur und Tyrannei im Nahen Osten interessiert sind. Diese Regime können nur durch Tyrannei nach innen und Terror nach außen überleben............
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Zitat:Airline Cancels Washington-Houston Flight
Sun Feb 1, 6:09 PM ET Add Top Stories - AP to My Yahoo!

WASHINGTON - Continental Airlines canceled a Sunday evening flight from Washington to Houston after security concerns were raised by the Homeland Security Department.
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Zitat:Al-Qaeda out to outdo 9/11: Ruddock

February 02, 2004
TERROR network al-Qaeda was probably planning to "outdo" its September 11 attack on New York, Attorney-General Philip Ruddock said today.

The warning came after as airlines grounded several flights from Europe to the US amid fears of chemical or biological attack on an aircraft.
U.S. Releases 3 Teens From Guantanamo

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Zitat:The U.S. military has released three teenage Taliban conscripts from the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and flown them to their Afghan homeland, where resettlement workers are trying to reunite them with relatives or family friends, Pentagon officials said yesterday.
Guantanamo Spy Cases Evaporate
Chaplain and Arabic Translator Are Now Facing Only Lesser Charges

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Zitat:Last September, top officials of the Navy prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, told a military judge in Florida that the prison's Muslim chaplain, Army Capt. James Yee, would soon be charged with mutiny, sedition, espionage, spying and aiding the enemy -- crimes that could lead to his execution.

Based on those allegations, Yee was held in solitary confinement in a Navy brig in South Carolina for 76 days. But authorities never charged him with any of those offenses. Instead, Yee will face much less serious charges, such as mishandling classified materials and adultery, when the case against him resumes at a hearing at Fort Benning, Ga., scheduled for Feb. 4.
Lawyer Criticizes Rules for Tribunals
Trials Won't Be Fair, Military Attorney Says

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Zitat:A military defense lawyer for an Australian detainee expected to be the first man tried before a military tribunal denounced President Bush's rules for the special courts yesterday, saying they are skewed against defendants and could result in proceedings that resemble political trials in authoritarian Third World countries.
washington post will eine kostenlose Registrierung
@bastian oder haben nachm 11.9 wegen der Schlamperei einen so heftig aufm Deckel bekommen das man lieber bei jedem kleinsten Anzeichen Laut gibt als spaeter wieder vorgeworfen zu kriegen versagt zu haben.

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The Globalization of Hamas Terrorism

By Jess Sadick
January 30, 2004

There is evidence that Hamas has discussed attacking targets in the US and Canada and has recruited foreign nationals who could be used to carry out such operations. US policymakers need to understand the threat posed by Hamas' emerging pan-Islamic interpretation of jihad and its perceived role in the global anti-American jihad. In the meantime, Hamas' rhetoric adds to the incitement fueling the jihadist movement worldwide, especially in encouraging young Muslims to go to fight US forces in Iraq.
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Five Men Convicted of Aiding Islamic Militants
From Times Wire Reports

A Milan court convicted five North African men of having ties to Al Qaeda and sentenced them to four to eight years each in prison.

The men were found guilty of links to a cell that sent would-be terrorists to Afghanistan, Tunisia and Algeria, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
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Zitat:Norwegian court orders Islamic militant leader held another month
(02-02) 11:55 PST OSLO, Norway (AP) --

A Norwegian court Monday ordered the founder of an Islamic group allegedly linked to al-Qaida held for another month while authorities investigate charges against him that include plotting to murder political rivals in northern Iraq.
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Asiatische Länder wollen Anti-Terror-Kampf verstärken

Beschluss: Ausbildungszentrums für den Kampf gegen den Terrorismus in Jakarta

Zitat:Bali - Mehr als 30 Länder aus dem asiatischen und pazifischen Raum haben sich auf eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit im Kampf gegen den Terrorismus geeinigt. Zum Abschluss einer internationalen Anti-Terror-Konferenz auf der indonesischen Insel Bali erklärten die 33 Delegierten, sie wollten Arbeitsgruppen einrichten, um den Austausch von Beweismaterial und Geheimdienstinformationen zu erleichtern. Sie forderten die Länder außerdem auf, die Sicherheit im Luft- und Schiffsverkehr zu verbessern, den Geldfluss an Terroristen zu unterbrechen und die Weitergabe illegaler Waffen zu verhindern..........
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Zitat:4 February, 2004
New Muslim militant group born to fight Christians

Jakarta (AsiaNews)- The latest analysis report prepared by the Jakarta-based International Crisis Group (ICG) released early this week, stated that a radical new Islamic militia had emerged in the country. The newly established group “Mujahedden Kompak” was formed by hard-liners who split from “Jemaah Islamiyah”, considered to be Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Southeast Asia. The report-analysis, written by ICG’s Chapter Director Sidney Jones, an American expert in Southeast Asian issues, describes the faction.
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Zitat:Terror suspect's wife backs jihad
Ben English

THE Australian wife of jailed terror suspect Willie Brigitte emerged from a long-awaited prison meeting with her husband to declare her support for jihad.
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Zitat:Brigitte wanted information about Pine Gap

SUSPECTED French terrorist Willie Brigitte tried to get information from his Australian wife about the top-secret spy facility at Pine Gap according to French police sources, it was reported yesterday.
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Zitat:German court clears 9/11 suspect
Thursday, February 5, 2004 Posted: 8:54 AM EST (1354 GMT)

HAMBURG, Germany (CNN) -- A Moroccan man accused of assisting the September 11 hijackers has been cleared by a court in the German city of Hamburg due to a lack of evidence.

Abdel-Ghani Mzoudi was charged with more than 3,000 counts of accessory to murder, based on the death toll in the suicide hijackings in the U.S, and being a member of a terrorist organisation, the Hamburg cell of al Qaeda.
Sollte der davonkommen hoff ich mal das der so schnell wie moeglich abgeschoben wird wie das schon mehrere Politiker angekuendigt haben.
Dann kriegt von den Marokkanern wohl eine "Spezialbehandlung" oder er darf die Karibiksonne geniessen und UPI muss ihre Statistik aktualisieren.

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Zitat:Revealed: the nationalities of Guantanamo
By John C. K. Daly
International Correspondent
Published 2/4/2004 5:42 PM
View printer-friendly version

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 (UPI) -- At least 160 of the 650 detainees acknowledged by the Pentagon being held at the United States military base at Guantanamo, Cuba -- almost a quarter of the total -- are from Saudi Arabia, a special UPI survey can reveal.
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Zitat:'Al Qaeda-link' Filipino held
BELFAST: A Filipino man was arraigned yesterday on charges of aiding Southeast Asian terrorists linked to Al Qaeda. Jaybe Ofrasio, 31, offered no plea in Belfast Crown Court to two counts of making funds and property available over the Internet to a Southeast Asian terrorist group "knowing they would be used for terrorist purposes" sometime between January 1 and October 19, 2003.
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Zitat:New Al Qaida statement warns of major attack on U.S.

Thursday, February 5, 2004
Al Qaida has again warned of a major strike in the United States.

The Al Qaida warning was relayed via the Tajamu Reform Party of Yemen in a statement proposing terms of reconciliation with the government which has been under pressure to cooperate with the United States in the war on terrorism.
Sowas kommt mittlerweile fast alle 2 Wochen...

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Zitat:Tehran's 9/11 Ties
By Kenneth R. Timmerman | February 5, 2004

As a former Iranian intelligence officer was providing testimony in a courtroom in Germany detailing operational ties between the September 11 hijackers and the government of Iran, lawyers from the U.S. departments of State and Justice and appeals-court judges in Washington were working hard to overturn a law that has allowed victims of terrorism to sue foreign governments for sponsoring terrorist crimes that have killed Americans.
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Canadian accused of suicide bombing
Father suspected of al-Qaida ties, brothers held at Guantanamo

A Canadian family accused of having close ties to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terrorist network is in the news again with allegations by the Taliban that another son was involved in a deadly attack on a coalition soldier.
Neues von Azzam - diesmal Glorifizierung der Attentaeter des 11.9.
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Zitat:The Nineteen Lions

by Muadh bin Abdullah Al-Madani, Uruzgan, Afghanistan
Exclusive Feature from Azzam Publications

On a historic sunny September morning in 2001, a few men, armed with little more than their faith, brought the greatest modern military might to her knees.

“Fasten your seat belt,” the sign flashes. You buckle up. The safety video plays, you ignore it as usual. The plane is ushered onto the runway; there is a slight pause and then the sounds of the engine rise to a crescendo in tandem with the adrenaline surging through your blood. The plane ascends, a brief pause, now you are flying. Your pulse is racing, you can feel your heart thudding against your chest; admonishing yourself you increase your remembrance of Allah. You look at your watch. In your mind the countdown which began the day you were given your mission details moves closer to zero hour. You pick up the in-flight magazine, appearing to flick through the pages you once more go over the details of the operation: soon there will be no room for error.
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Zitat:Brigitte 'targeted military bases'
By Rod McGuirk
February 6, 2004

FRENCHMAN Willie Brigitte was sent to Australia by Pakistani terrorists and planned to target military bases in Sydney, the French counter-terrorism unit DST alleges.
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Zitat:Purported al-Qaida video details preparation, execution of Riyadh bombing

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - A video purported to be from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida terror network shows Saudi militants planning, training for and carrying out what it claimed was the Nov. 8 bombing of a housing compound for foreigners in the Saudi capital that killed 17 people.
Und bezueglich Sicherheit an Flughaefen scheint nicht sich kaum was gebessert zu haben :motz:
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Zitat:Man evaded LA airport security; found without ticket or ID in plane bathroom

A man walked past two security checkpoints at Los Angeles International Airport last month and boarded a plane without a ticket or identification before he was caught hiding inside a bathroom before takeoff, authorities said.
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Zitat:FRANKREICH: Terrornest in der Trabantenstadt
Venissieux, die Trabantenstadt am Rande Lyons ist Unruheherd, Ghetto, Brutstätte des Terrors. 30 Tausend Einwohner leben hier, überwiegend Menschen islamischen Glaubens. Vor drei Wochen wurden ein religiöser Führer und seine Familie wegen der Herstellung von Bomben festgenommen. Zwei weitere Männer von hier sitzen als Häftlinge in Guantanamo. Der Arbeitslose Patrick sagt, einer von zehn Jugendlichen ist hier bereit, den radikalen Islamisten zu folgen. Die werben mit Autos fürs Ausbildungscamp in Afghanistan. Ein Polizist resigniert: „Der Staat hat geschlafen und nun werden wir die kriminellen Fundamentalisten nicht mehr los.“
....„Damals hat man die Betontürme hochgezogen, sagt er. Aber für die Leute selbst haben sie nichts getan. ....Jeder zweite Einwohner hier ist arbeitslos, Perspektiven für Jugendliche gibt es kaum. Ein ideales Revier für islamische Fundamentalisten und ihre militanten Botschaften....
Terrorismus als Resulatat eines Versagens des Westens ....
Jo der Staat hat versagt in dem er nicht rechtzeitig aufpasste und aufgrund falscher Toleranz...
Der Kalif von Koeln konnte auch jahrelang ungestoert hier agieren.

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Zitat:Arab Newspaper Says Al Qaeda Has Ukrainian Nukes
Sun Feb 8,12:24 PM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

CAIRO (Reuters) - A pan-Arab newspaper said Sunday that the al Qaeda organization led by Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) bought tactical nuclear weapons from Ukraine in 1998 and is storing them in safe places for possible use.
Hoffentlich eine Ente...

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Zitat:U.S. Terror Expert Warns of Dirty Bomb
Sun Feb 8, 4:22 PM ET

By STEVEN GUTKIN, Associated Press Writer

JAKARTA, Indonesia - Terrorists have the will and some of the expertise to make a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapon, and are "doing everything they can" to acquire the materials, the U.S. State Department's top anti-terror official said in an interview with The Associated Press.
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Zitat:Terrorist bid to build bombs in mid-flight

Intelligence reveals dry runs of new threat to blow up airliners

Jason Burke, chief reporter
Sunday February 8, 2004
The Observer

Islamic militants have conducteddry runs of a devastating new style of bombing on aircraft flying to Europe, intelligence sources believe.
The tactics, which aim to evade aviation security systems by placing only components of explosive devices on passenger jets, allowing militants to assemble them in the air, have been tried out on planes flying between the Middle East, North Africa and Western Europe, security sources say.
Und die deutsche Polizei ist mal wieder fleissig :daumen:
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Zitat:Germans Search Mosques in Terror Sweep
Fri Feb 6, 6:05 PM ET

FRANKFURT, Germany - Police in Germany's Rhineland-Palatinate state searched dozens of mosques and Islamic organizations Friday, detaining one man, as part of efforts to clamp down on terrorism.
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Zitat:Kairo (Reuters) - Die Extremisten-Organisation El Kaida von Osama bin Laden hat einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge nukleare Waffen in der Ukraine gekauft.

Die Waffen würden derzeit an einem sicheren Ort gelagert, berichtete die arabische Zeitung El Hajat am Sonntag unter Berufung auf El-Kaida-Kreise. El Kaida beabsichtige möglicherweise einen Einsatz der Waffen in den USA oder für den Fall, dass die Organisation selbst Ziel eines "vernichtenden Schlages" werde - etwa wenn nukleare oder chemische Waffen gegen El-Kaida-Kämpfer eingesetzt würden.
El Hajat ist hoffentlich so eine Art arabische Bild Zeitung und nicht besonders seriös. Ansonsten fände ich das schon etwas beunruhigend.
ööhhm...und wie wollen die diese angeblichen Nuklearwaffen dorthin transportieren ? Im Turnschuh ? Zeitzünder dran und schon haben wir ein Newroshima...klaro. Confusedchlaf:

Mal wieder Panikmache von entsprechnder Seite. Nix Neues, aber es ist offensichtlich immernoch wirksam. Ich glaube, die letzte Terrororganisation die von Massenvernichtungswaffen Gebrauch gemacht hat, war so ne japanische Sekte vor zig Jahren ...
Laß ise doch labern die haben vielleicht ne schmutzige Bombe und das wäre auch das höchste.Voll das geschwätz von der El Kaida die haben zu viel Opium geschnüffeltBig Grin

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