Islamistischer Terrorismus
Zitat:An internal NYPD memo warns that terrorists are seeking truck-driver licenses to try to use the vehicles as mobile bombs,
loooooooooool !! :laugh:
Es ist ja garnicht so, daß die Angst vor den Terroristen zusätzlich künstlich geschürt wird, nöö ! Von Propaganda will ich ja nicht reden. Sowas betreibt man ja nicht. Wink
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Zitat:U.S. Raids N.Va. Office of Saudi-Based Charity
Wednesday June 02, 2004 7:25am
Alexandria, Va. (AP) - Federal agents have raided the Alexandria (website - news) headquarters of a Saudi-based charity founded by a nephew of Osama bin Laden (website - news - bio) .

The Washington Post reports that the FBI (website) , immigration agents and the Joint Terrorism Task Force raided the World Assembly of Muslim Youth on Friday. All the office's files and computer hard drives were seized, and the group says a volunteer board member was arrested on immigration charges.
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Zitat:Islamism's Campus Club

By Jonathan Dowd-Gailey
Middle East Quarterly | June 2, 2004

The northern Virginia-based Muslim Students' Association (MSA) might easily be taken for a benign student religious group. It promotes itself as a benevolent, non-political entity devoted to the simple virtue of celebrating Islam and providing college students a healthy venue to develop their faith and engage in philanthropy. Along these lines, its constitution declares the MSA's mission as serving "the best interest of Islam and Muslims in the United States and Canada so as to enable them to practice Islam as a complete way of life."[1]
Yet consider some of these recent activities of the MSA:

· At a meeting in Queensborough Community College in New York in March 2003, a guest speaker named Faheed declared, "We reject the U.N., reject America, reject all law and order. Don't lobby Congress or protest because we don't recognize Congress. The only relationship you should have with America is to topple it ... Eventually there will be a Muslim in the White House dictating the laws of Shariah."

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Zitat:Drive to halt spread of al-Qa'eda in UK
By Toby Helm
(Filed: 31/05/2004)

Downing Street has drawn up secret plans to prevent the spread of extremism among young Muslims after confidential studies found that there are up to 10,000 "active" supporters of al-Qa'eda in Britain.

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Zitat:Risk of radioactive "dirty bomb" growing

19:00 02 June 04

Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

The risk of somebody somewhere triggering a radioactive "dirty bomb" is growing, evidence gathered by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency suggests.

The IAEA's records, which it has released to New Scientist, show a dramatic rise in the level of smuggling of radiological materials, defined as radioactive sources that could be used in dirty bombs but not nuclear bombs.
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SITE Institute

SITE Institute,6/2/2004 - On June 2, 2004, the following message was posted on an Islamic Website considered to be a mouthpiece of Al Qaeda. This important and dangerous message questions the Mujahideen’s focus on Saudi Arabia alone and instigates a wake-up call for Muslims to attack other countries that are harboring Americans such as Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain.
Zitat:Es ist ja garnicht so, daß die Angst vor den Terroristen zusätzlich künstlich geschürt wird, nöö ! Von Propaganda will ich ja nicht reden. Sowas betreibt man ja nicht.
Wer käme schon auf die Idee einen Laster voller Sprengstoff in ein Hochhaus zu fahren und zu sprengen Wink
So etwas ist alt bekannt und keine Propaganda, die IRA hatte sogar Raketenwerfer in Autos eingebaut und auf Downing street 10 gefeuert.
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Pakistanische Soldaten erschießen mutmaßliches El-Kaida-Mitglied
Drei weitere Verdächtige an Grenze zu Afghanistan festgenommen

Zitat:Islamabad - Pakistanische Soldaten haben an der Grenze zu Afghanistan ein mutmaßliches El-Kaida-Mitglied erschossen und drei weitere Verdächtige festgenommen. Grenzposten hätten einen aus Afghanistan kommenden Pick-up-Transporter an der Grenze zum Stammesgebiet Nord-Waziristan abgefangen, sagte ein Militärsprecher am Donnerstag. Einer der Insassen habe eine Handgranate in Richtung der Soldaten geworfen, ohne sie zu treffen. Die Soldaten hätten das Feuer eröffnet und den Mann getötet............
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Zitat:Sydney man charged with inciting terrorism
June 2, 2004 - 2:36PM

Sydney man Bilal Khazal was charged today over terrorism activities. He was later granted bail during a brief court appearance.

Australian Federal Police (AFP) said the 34-year-old, who allegedly published documents inciting terrorism on the internet, was charged with one count of collecting or making documents likely to facilitate terrorist acts.

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Zitat:Suspected al-Qaeda member arrested by Philippines

MANILA: Philippine authorities have arrested an Arab missionary who is suspected of being a member of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network in the southern island of Mindanao, military officials said yesterday.
Und wieder eine saudische "Wohltaetigkeitsorganisation" im Visier der Behoerden...
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Zitat:U.S., Saudis Crack Down on Al-Haramain Charity Group
Wed Jun 2, 2004 08:05 PM ET
By Arshad Mohammed
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia on Wednesday said it was dissolving a Riyadh-based charity suspected of funding al Qaeda and will fold its assets into a new group that will channel all Saudi charitable contributions abroad.

In addition to winding down the Riyadh-based Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, Saudi and U.S. officials said they would seek to block the assets of its local branches in Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and the Netherlands.
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Zitat:Japan Arrests 8th Person in Al Qaeda-Linked Probe
Wed Jun 2, 2004 11:07 PM ET
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese police acting on suspicions al Qaeda may have set up a network in Japan arrested an eighth person on Thursday for violating immigration laws.
Six people were arrested last week as part of an investigation into the activities of Lionel Dumont, an Algerian-born French national suspected of being involved in delivering equipment and funds to al Qaeda while living in Japan.
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Zitat:Saudi Qaeda Leader Praises Attacks for Hiking Oil Price
Thu Jun 3, 2004 11:43 PM ET
DUBAI (Reuters) - Al Qaeda's top leader in Saudi Arabia has praised a recent series of militant attacks in the kingdom which helped send oil prices to record highs on fears of instability.
The statement, issued by Abdulaziz al-Muqrin on an Islamist Web site, called on Saudis to support the militants' campaign against the U.S.-allied Saudi monarchy and accused the government of lying about details of the attacks
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Zitat:Terrorism Fears Grow on Asian Oil Route


Associated Press

SINGAPORE - Fears are growing of terrorism in the Malacca Straits, the pirate-ridden Southeast Asian waterway that is a conduit for half the world's oil supply.
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Zitat:Dutch charity accused of funding Muslim terrorists

3 June 2004

AMSTERDAM — The Dutch government faces questions on why it did not act earlier against a Muslim charity which has been accused of supporting terrorism.

On Wednesday, US and Saudi Arabian officials announced a joint crackdown on Muslim charities they accuse of aiding Islamic terrorists.
@Shahab folgender Artikel koennt dich interessieren ...

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Zitat:The Real Roots of Muslim Hatred

By Andrew G. Bostom | June 3, 2004

“Are you Muslim or Christian? We don't want to kill Muslims.” That’s what the Islamic terrorists reportedly told their innocent prey during a murderous shooting spree last Saturday in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, that left at least 17 civilians dead in the initial assault. 1 How are we to interpret such repeated acts of terrorism, targeting non-Muslims?
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Zitat:The Enemy is Not Just Al-Qaeda
By Robert Spencer

“I believe you are what Americans call Al-Qaeda.”[1] National Guard Spc. Ryan Anderson gave this response when two undercover agents he thought were Islamic terrorists asked him: “What organization do you think we are?”

Anderson, who is now under arrest for attempting to betray his country and join the jihad, chose his words carefully. A convert to Islam who had spent considerable time cruising for radical Muslim Internet sites, Anderson knew that what Americans think of as one unified organization — Al-Qaeda — is in reality a loose affiliation of many organizations, or even an American conceptual grouping of people who share common motives and goals.
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Zitat:Rumsfeld Fears Losing War On Islamic Extremism
Thwarting Terrorists Not Enough, Secretary Says

POSTED: 12:38 pm EDT June 5, 2004

SINGAPORE -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld says the United States and its allies are winning some battles against terrorism -- but may be losing the broader war against Islamic extremism.

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Zitat:Terror in the name of God
By Ahmede Hussain
For the Bangladeshi-born British envoy, Anwar Chowdhury, the forenoon of May 21 started without any clue of what was in the offing. It was 1:35 and a huge crowd of people greeted Anwar, as he was about to leave the Shrine of Shahjalal after saying Friday prayers. But as the envoy, only 18 days into his new job, reached the exit door of the 700-year-old tomb, a bearded man in his early forties halted the High Commissioner's way. "The man was telling Anwar to give him some money," recalls Advocate Abdul Hai Khan, Anwar Chowdhury's grandfather and a witness to the mayhem that would follow.
Truppen befreien westliche Geiseln
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Polnische und amerikanische Truppen haben im Irak einen polnischen Ingenieur und drei Italiener befreit.
Zitat:In Bagdad, Polen und Italien herrscht nun große Freude bei Angehörigen und Betroffenen. "Mir fällt ein Stein vom Herzen, dass Jerzy frei ist", sagte der aus dem Entführer-Auto geflüchtete Firmenkollege Radolsaw Kadri zu SPIEGEL ONLINE. Über die Details der Befreiung dürfe er allerdings nicht sprechen. In Italien informierte das dortige Innenministerium die Familien der Sicherheitsleute über deren Freilassung. Ministerpräsident Silvio Berlusconi erfuhr an Bord eines Flugzeuges, das ihn zum G-8-Gipfel in die USA bringt, von der erfolgreichen Aktion.
"Das ganze Flugzeug brach in Jubelstürme aus", berichtete sein Sprecher.
Hauptsache diese Geiseln sind frei.:daumen:Big Grin:daumen:

Wenn man die westlichen Geiseln, die nun befreit (?) wurden, wirklich hätte töten wollen, dann hätte man dies alsbald getan.
Die westlichen Geiseln, auch wenn sie befreit sind, werden sich wahrscheinlich bald wieder in den irakischen Strassen tummeln und könnten so auch der polnische Ingenieur alsbald wieder 'eingefangen' werden :bonk:
Und vice versa.Wink
Zitat:Die westlichen Geiseln, auch wenn sie befreit sind, werden sich wahrscheinlich bald wieder in den irakischen Strassen tummeln und könnten so auch der polnische Ingenieur alsbald wieder 'eingefangen' werden
Nur das die Irakischen Guerrilas ihrem Volk damit ins Fleisch schneiden denn wer will ihr Land anders wieder aufbauen als Westliche Hilfsorganisationen und Ingeneure
Zitat:TimuCin postete

Wenn man die westlichen Geiseln, die nun befreit (?) wurden, wirklich hätte töten wollen, dann hätte man dies alsbald getan.
Die amerikanische Geissel hatte man auch nicht sofort gekoepft....

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Zitat:AP: Al-Qaida Continues to Siphon Charities

Associated Press

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) -- Al-Qaida has siphoned millions of dollars from Islamic charities that help poor Muslims in Africa and Asia, and U.S. and Saudi government efforts to cut the flow have largely failed, Western diplomats and former charity workers say.
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Zitat:Western Airliners May Be al-Qaida Target

Mon Jun 7,11:02 PM ET

By MOHAMED KHALIFA, Associated Press Writer

CAIRO, Egypt - An Internet statement signed by an al-Qaida cell in Saudi Arabia warned Monday that the terror network will target Western airlines, military bases and residential compounds and told Muslims to stay away from Westerners.
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Zitat:Piracy ‘could cripple world trade’

SINGAPORE: Attacks on ships by sea pirates in South-East Asia are resembling military operations – growing bolder, more violent and fuelling fears of an attack that would cripple world trade, Singapore said yesterday.
...Singapore has repeatedly warned of the potential link between pirates and religious militant networks such as Jemaah Islamiah, blamed for the deadly 2002 bomb blasts in the Indonesian island of Bali and widely linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda.
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Zitat:Italy, Belgium Seize Suspected Militants in Raids

By Emilio Parodi and Clara Ferreira-Marques

MILAN, Italy (Reuters) - Italy arrested an Egyptian alleged to have plotted the Madrid train bombings and Belgium held 15 people for preparing a "terrorist attack" as police across Europe swooped on suspected Islamic militants.

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Zitat:Pakistan warns of suicide attack plots

The Associated Press
6/5/2004, 8:41 p.m. CT

QUETTA, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani authorities have warned Western aid groups and the U.N. refugee agency to strengthen security against threats of Taliban attacks, officials said Saturday.
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Zitat:US extends the war on Islamic terror to the Sahara Desert
By Damien Mcelroy, Foreign Correspondent
(Filed: 06/06/2004)

America has launched a secret war against Islamic terrorists across the southern Sahara after it discovered that a group linked to al-Qaeda bought heavy weapons using the proceeds of a ransom deal with the German government.
Da sage ich nur Danke Deutschland fuers Danegeld zahlen :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

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Zitat:Defeating Global Jihad: Reagan Showed the Way

By Robert Spencer | June 7, 2004

Mark Steyn reminds us that “only Reagan could have stood there and declared without embarrassment: Tear down this wall!” In the warm glow of this week’s encomia it’s easy to miss the reason why anyone might have felt embarrassed at all. With the dreaded wall long made into paperweights, it’s easy to forget that before (and during, largely) the age of Reagan, the idea that Communism was evil, and the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” was, among the intelligentsia in America and Western Europe, in the worst possible taste.
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Zitat:Italy, Belgium Arrest 17 Terror Suspects

Jun 8, 3:25 PM (ET)

ROME (AP) - In a coordinated strike across Europe, police arrested 17 suspected Islamic militants, including an alleged mastermind of the Madrid train bombings who authorities say was planning further attacks, officials said Tuesday.
So effektiv hab ich die belgische Polizei nicht in Erinnerung - erinnere mich eher an solche sachen wie das ein Waffenlager der Gendarmerie leergeraeumt wurde und dann abends auf Uniformierte geschossen wurde....

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Zitat:France Possible Target of Suspected Militants

1 hour, 8 minutes ago Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Emilio Parodi

MILAN, Italy (Reuters) - A group of suspected Islamic militants arrested in Italy and Belgium may have been planning an attack in France, an Italian judicial source said on Wednesday.
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Zitat:European nations tighten laws to oust extremists

By Jennifer Joan Lee

PARIS — Western European countries are tightening their laws to facilitate the expulsion of Islamist extremists, a response to court rulings overturning several high-profile deportation orders.
In France, an imam expelled for publicly advocating violence against women won a court ruling last month that allowed him to return.
Die Meldung passt nicht zu 100% in den Thread, weil kein islamistisches Motiv besteht, glaube ich. Allerdings kam schon mal irgendwann hier die Frage auf, inwiefern "schmutzige Bomben" realisierbar sind. So einfach ist wohl dann doch nicht denn :

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Padillas "schmutzige Bombe" wäre Blindgänger geworden

Der mutmaßliche Terrorist Jose Padilla hat laut US-Justizministerium eine "schmutzige Bombe" mit radioaktivem Uran vorbereitet, die er in einer Großstadt zünden wollte. Nun sagen Experten, die Bombe hätte niemals funktioniert.

New York - Renommierte Physiker zeigten sich gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur AP irritiert über die Mitteilung des Justizministeriums, der US-Bürger Jose Padilla habe eine Bombe aus "Uran, eingepackt in Sprengsätze" bauen wollen. Dies sei schlicht unmöglich, sagte der amerikanische Nuklearphysiker Peter Zimmerman vom Londoner King's College. Dazu sei die Radioaktivität von Uran zu gering.
Weiterhin heisst es :
Zitat:Das US-Justizministerium hatte in der vergangenen Woche Verhörprotokolle veröffentlicht, wonach Padilla Hotels und Wohnungen sprengen und eine schmutzige Bombe zünden wollte. Die Inhaftierung des US-Bürgers als so genannter "feindlicher Kämpfer" wird derzeit vom Obersten Gerichtshof geprüft. Dabei geht es um die Frage, ob die Regierung die Befugnis hat, terrorverdächtige Amerikaner auf unbestimmte Zeit und ohne Zugang zu ihrem Anwalt in Haft zu nehmen.
klar, bei nem Ami machen die plötzlich so ein Gezappel ! :bonk:
Shahab .. als Inhaltsstoff einer schmutzigen Bombe werden eher "leichter" zugängliche radioaktive Quellen wie Kobalt 60 (Industrie) und Cäsium (Medizien) betrachtet.

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