Tiefsee- und Meeresforschung
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Katalogisierung und Erfassung einer bislang unbekannten Spezies: Der rund 2,5 Meter lange Fisch (Narcetes Shonanmaruae), umgangssprachlich auch als "yokozuna slickhead" bezeichnet, war 2021 erstmals vor der Küste Japans beobachtet (bemerkenswert daran, dass es in über 2.000 Metern Tiefe war) und als neue Spezies gemeldet worden.
Zitat:Scientists record behemoth in waters 2 km deep off Shizuoka

Japanese researchers said they have taken images of a 2.5-meter-long yokozuna slickhead, possibly the world’s largest known deep-sea bony fish. The scientists, primarily from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), captured the fish on video more than 2 kilometers deep off Suruga Bay in Shizuoka Prefecture in October 2021.

JAMSTEC reported the yokozuna slickhead as a new species only in January last year. It is believed to be an apex predator in deep waters off Suruga Bay. [...]

The researchers then sent three cameras fitted with fish food to the 2,091-meter-deep seafloor around 400 kilometers off Suruga Bay. One of the cameras caught footage of a yokozuna slickhead driving away other fish from the container of food. Based on the size of the container, the researchers estimated the length of the predator at 2.5 meters. The scientists said this could be the world’s largest bony fish inhabiting waters more than 2 kilometers deep.


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