Islamistischer Terrorismus
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July 11, 2004 -- The latest World Trade Center victim to be identified is Daniel Lewin, an Israeli soldier who became a Massachusetts computer tycoon.
The married father of two kids was reportedly the first 9/11 casualty. A passenger aboard American Airlines Flight 11 — the first of two hijacked planes to crash into the Twin Towers — Lewin is believed to have been the businessman stabbed to death by terrorists.
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Another Jihad On the Rise

Nabil Sultan

More than 200 people have been killed in clashes between Islamic rebels and government forces using warplanes and tanks; this is not Iraq, but the picture of new developments in Yemen.

SANA'A, Jul 8 (IPS) - More than 200 people have been killed in clashes between Islamic rebels and government forces using warplanes and tanks; this is not Iraq, but the picture of new developments in Yemen.
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Zitat:Officials: Bin Laden guiding plots against U.S.
Ridge: Terrorists' aim is to influence presidential vote
Thursday, July 8, 2004 Posted: 10:25 PM EDT (0225 GMT)
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A plot to carry out a large-scale terror attack against the United States in the near future is being directed by Osama bin Laden and other top al Qaeda members, senior intelligence officials said Thursday.
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Zitat:Man Gets 5 Years for Lying in Terror Inquiry

A federal judge sentenced a New Jersey man yesterday to the maximum five years in prison for lying to investigators during an investigation of terrorism financing efforts that they said were centered in Brooklyn.

Federal prosecutors described the sentence as an important victory because it showed that judges would impose stiff penalties on people charged with impeding anti-terrorism efforts. People convicted of making false statements are often sentenced to six months or less.
The New Jersey man, Numan Maflahi, 31, a Yemeni-born United States citizen, was convicted at a jury trial in February of making false statements to federal agents. When the agents questioned him in 2003, he denied helping a Yemeni cleric who prosecutors said made a fund-raising trip to Brooklyn mosques in 1999.

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Zitat:Saudis Facing Return of Radicals
Young Iraq Veterans Join Underground
By Craig Whitlock
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, July 11, 2004; Page A01

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- An increasing number of Saudis who crossed the border into Iraq to fight the U.S.-led military occupation are returning home to plot attacks against the Saudi government and Western targets in the desert kingdom, according to Western counterterrorism officials and Saudis with ties to militant groups.
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Zitat:Belief is Osama WMD: Sister-in-law

AP[ SUNDAY, JULY 11, 2004 10:56:03 PM ]

GENEVA: Osama bin Laden's sister-in-law describes him as a man so driven by his beliefs that he would deny a water bottle to his own infant son in the heat of the Saudi desert.

"I'm sure Osama would not have wanted to lose his baby. By his insistence, his wife used a spoon instead of a bottle,” said Carmen bin Laden, the Swiss sister-in-law of the alleged terrorist mastermind.

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