phantom schrieb:Ihr müsst was draus machen, egal durch was es entstanden ist und wie sich die Situation jetzt darstellt.

Zitat:36 years after the revolution, where is Iran now?
February 10, 2015

The Iranian nation toppled the US-backed Pahlavi regime in 1979, ending virtually 2,500 years of monarchical rule, and will see nationwide rallies on Feb. 11, the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution
After the devastatingly costly war — during which hundreds of thousands of Iranians and Iraqis died, many under the barrage of Saddam’s chemical weapons — the country started the arduous process of attempting to rebuild.

Any endeavors toward a speedy recovery, however, were thrashed by increased Western sanctions, as a clear and persistent strategy of coercion was seemingly put into full-throttle against Iran. Since then, Iran’s tensions with the West have unfortunately only further escalated, and the country has faced a more or less all-out economic war waged upon it, which has been complemented by numerous covert actions in the form of assassinations and bomb attacks and even cyberattacks.

Yet, despite all of these crises, Iran has persevered.
Iran has made commendable strides in many areas since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. From 1980 to 2012, Iran’s Human Development Index (HDI) value — which takes into account lifespan, access to education and standard of living — increased by 67%, a rate of growth that was twice the global average. As of 2012, Iran’s HDI value sat at 0.742, which put the country into the “high human development category.” Access to electricity and piped water in rural areas, life expectancy, infant mortality and access to health care have all markedly improved. The literacy rate, which stood at 36% in 1976 and at just 25% for females, stands at 99% for males and females ages 15-24. Tertiary education has also never been so widely attainable by the Iranian population, with more than 2 million Iranian students enrolled at a university, over 60% of which are women.

Iran has also made many advances in the sciences as well: it has indigenously mastered the nuclear cycle and ranks in the top 10 countries in stem cell and cloning research; in the top 20 nations in nanotechnology, chemistry, medicine, computer science and mathematics; is the ninth country in the world with a full space program that successfully puts satellites into orbit; and is the first manufacturer in the world of eye bio-implants.
The human rights situation undoubtedly has room for ample improvements. The country is also beset by corruption, with the vice president in the Hassan Rouhani administration even saying the corruption “of the century” occurred during the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad era. High levels of inflation, unemployment and a bloated bureaucracy have also contributed to a “brain drain,” or the emigration of many educated Iranians.
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