Spratly Inseln / südchinesisches Meer
mischen sich jetzt auch noch die Japaner ein?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://en.people.cn/n/2015/0130/c90883-8843281.html">http://en.people.cn/n/2015/0130/c90883-8843281.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Japan forces unwelcome in S.China Sea

(Global Times) 08:13, January 30, 2015 Robert Thomas, commander of the Seventh Fleet, said on Thursday that the US would welcome a Japanese extension of air patrols over the South China Sea, because "the Chinese fishing fleet, the Chinese coastguard and the [navy] overmatch their neighbors." It is rare that a top US navy officer openly called for Japan to counterbalance China in the South China Sea. By press time, there had not been an official response from either China or Japan. But, it's certain that China would be firmly against any extension of Japanese air patrols over the South China Sea. If Japan takes the plunge, it will have to face countermeasures from China.

schon interessant - eine Macht von außerhalb lädt eine weitere fremde Macht in eine Region ein, in der schon unter den unmittelbaren Nachbarn für genug Differenzen gesorgt ist.

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